oh man! that's wrong! hehe, she doesn't even look like nell carter!
i dont know.....i can see a little nell in her.
oh man! that's wrong! hehe, she doesn't even look like nell carter!
Now I can finally do my custom figures for "Gimme A Break!"
that would be a cool 6 pack!
What about her coming in a 6-pack with a Lex/Brainiac figure, the cool gold version or the version of him with the tenticles for arms? Ewww!
Why is this figure important?
Well, number one, she is an important character in the JLU cartoon universe, as well as in the DC Universe in general. She was created by John Ostrander for the book Suicide Squad. She is a master manipulator and user and knows how to get the most out of the characters (both heroes and villains) she interacts with.
Number 2...she's a female figure, with an entirely new mold.
Number 3...she's an ethnic character. There are very few ethnic action figures made in toy lines.
Number 4...it's the first time this character has been made into an action figure.
Number 5...some would call her a "supporting" character because she's not in a costume. Most super-hero lines make the good guys and the bad guys, but NO supporting characters. Notice there was no Lois Lane in the Superman Returns line? No Vicky Vale in the Batman movie line? In the past, there have been some supporting characters made in the DC Animated/Bruce Timm style...Commisioner Gordon, Lois Lane and Alfred Pennyworth, most notably. But Amanda for the JLU is a major step for Mattel to make (IMHO).
Any other reasons that anyone else would like to add?
she don't look prominent, but watch the JLU series, probably one of the best animated series ever made, she plays an important part in the series. she knows batman's "secret." no, not his identity, something else.didnt she create the "secret"?
oh yeah, i think you're right! gives me a good excuse to watch it again. i finally put all the seasons on my psp. she was a great antagonist!
she don't look prominent, but watch the JLU series, probably one of the best animated series ever made, she plays an important part in the series. she knows batman's "secret." no, not his identity, something else.
didnt she create the "secret"?
she don't look prominent, but watch the JLU series, probably one of the best animated series ever made, she plays an important part in the series. she knows batman's "secret." no, not his identity, something else.
Can someone tell me is this figure really important and why?
She is very prominent in the last season of JLU