2009 SDCC Mattel Exclusives: JLU Green Lantern Origins 3-Pack

by Jay Cochran
April 1, 2009
Mattel has released images and info for their 2009 San Diego Comic Con exclusives. Show below are is following set for their JLU line.


At long last Hal Jordan will be joining Mattel’s Justice League Unlimited collection. In this pack, you can get not only Hal Jordan (in his trademark Ferris Aircraft flight suit) but also his predecessor Abin Sur and his mentor/arch enemy Sinestro both in different versions of their Green Lantern uniforms. Plus, as an added bonus, for the first time in the JLU line, all of the heads in this pack are swappable, letting you play out Hal’s transformation from Test Pilot to Green Lantern of Space Sector 2814! Available on MattyCollector.com after the show.

UPDATE: Mattel just released this statement in regards to SDCC exclusives.

Hey toy fans,

With the news of our SDCC figures spreading all over the web, thought I’d take a moment to clarify some questions fans had.

1: Yes, these are our SDCC figures. It was not an April Fool’s joke. (but we did get some of you huh?)

2: Yes, all of the action figure exclusives will be sold online after the show (ideally that Monday, but it is too far off right now to tell) on Mattycollector.com.

3: Yes there are a few other exclusives to reveal for the Hot Wheels brand. These will also be available online after the show on Hotwheelscollector.com. Look for more details soon.

4: Yes, Gleek is only available at the show. He is not in the package with the Twins but rather will be poly bagged as a “gift with purchase”. Why did we do this? Well simply, in years past we did not have online distribution through my awesome website Mattycollector.com. In years past the ONLY way to get any of the exclusives was at the show. Now that we have online sales, we wanted to find a way to still reward fans who come out to the show with an exclusive only at the show, and Gleek will only be a gift with purchase in San Diego. Will everyone be happy with this, maybe not, but at least the main items are online. In years past you couldn’t even get any of them without being at the show, now at least you can get the Twins online even if Gleek is not with them. This is why they are called show exclusives, because they are only at a show.

5: Yes, Hal’s head is removable and swappable. The reason Abin is nor in his animated uniform is to recreate Hal in two iconic uniforms, modern and vintage. Why does he not have his mask? Well because contractually we can not offer Hal this way. Period. But in the original story SOS Green Lantern he does not wear a mask and this set pays homage to that. And really, this was the best way for us to get Hal in the JLU line. It may not be what everyone wants, but we think it is darn cool.

6: He-Ro, like the other exclusives will be available online after the show. And you will learn why he has a star covered Power Sword in his bio…. Also, his package will be the same as a standard MOTUC figure, no electronics, so he can ship world wide.

7: We will have a brand new second booth this year to handle sales which will be run by our Toy Club, the same professional retailers who run our Mattel Toy Stores throughout the US. We will have limits (likely 3-5 per item) which we will announce well before the show as well as additional details. We will take cash and credit cards and we will ideally be selling on Preview Night (we are still working these details out with SDCC as they have lots of rules this year about when and how companies can sell exclusives). But we will be holding back product each day. So even if we sell out on Thursday, we will have more on Friday, Saturday and Sunday to make sure everyone gets a shot to buy. Traditionally the lines are much shorter on Saturday and Sunday, so don’t feel you HAVE to buy early on.

8: Yes we will have other product to sell including just a few He-Man, Beastman and Skeletors as well as a few other hard to find products and other current retail products. We won’t know what these are until closer to the show.

9: The AntiMonitor points will be redeemable at our main product booth. So if you just want your free AntiMonitor for 50 points and your raffle tickets for every 25 points (including the first 50) you don’t need to wait in the retail line. You will have the option of also buying an AntiMonitor (3 ¾” scale) for $10.00 at the retail booth if you don’t have points. You are limited to only one free figure however. Any additional points will get you additional raffle tickets for each 25 points you have. We will raffle off at least one hand made 30” AntiMonitor each day and you do not need to be present to win. We will post the winning ticket number. If the figure is not claimed by the following day’s auction it will be re-raffled off.

10: Is it possible to change anything now? (like offering Gleek in the Twins pack) All of the exclusives are far enough along in the process that we are going forward as is. Any changes now would mean the product will be delayed and not make the show.

Okay, I think that covers all the main points. Obviously we are very excited for this year’s show. It looks to be our biggest presence ever with tons of surprises in store. We’ll have more updates as we get closer to the show.

See you all in San Diego. I’ll be there to meet and greet in person!

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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
cjflan32 - 2009-04-05 @ 2:02 am
Considering that Hal Jordan was in the cartoon for 10 seconds and was never a member of the Justice League in the cartoon, we're lucky to get anything at all.

Hal was in the cartoon for ten seconds longer than Ultraman, Apache Chief, Black Vulcan, Samurai, Super Woman, Mary Marvel, and the wizard, Shazam, but we're getting figures of all those.

They made a deal with their employees for a one of a kind figure and they have to honor that. Bad business or not they made an agreement they can't go back on.

It's a stupid agreement that should never had been made in the first place. They could've made countless other gestures towards their employees. They should've given them a far less essential and desired figure. They could've offered a variant version of Hal Jordan such as Modern Hal, Silver Temples Hal, Parallax, Battle Damaged Hal, etc. They should never have taken such a cornerstone character and taken him off the table so absolutely. Now that the deal is done and the agreement is to be honored, why not release a variant version of Hal for the general public. This way those employees keep their special unique figures and fans will be able to complete their DC Universes?

Did you not notice that they are making a variant version of Hal? He has no mask, that's it. Unmasked variants get made all the time. AND HE COMES WITH A CIVILIAN SUIT! I haven't seen any Bruce Waynes or Clark Kents in this line, have you? You're argument is done.

If you were a Mattel employee at the time you wouldn't be calling it a "stupid agreement". It was a nice gesture for employees from a line that, at the time, I don't think anyone thought would have made it this far. And don't throw me a line about giving them "a far less essential and desired figure" because if you gave them a worthless character like G'Nort people would cry about not being able to complete their GL Corps. If you gave them a worthless character like Crimson Avenger people would cry about not being able to complete the television version of JLU. if you gave them a worthless character like Hugo Strange people would cry about not being able to complete their Batman Rogue's Gallery. In this case it happened to be Hal Jordan. If it was Bouncing Boy or Capt. Marvel Jr. or Guy Gardner or Metron or whoever it doesn't matter, you'd still be crying for blood.

All you people do is complain that Mattel doesn't care or doesn't listen and now they finally have by finding a loophole to give us a popular character and what's the response? Mattel sucks. Nice.

jjlecaros - 2009-04-03 @ 3:43 pm

cool beans...im ready to go

CaptainTriumph - 2009-04-03 @ 3:20 am

Thanks for the update JayC!

JayC - 2009-04-02 @ 3:27 pm

Mattel just released this statement in regards to some of your questions about the SDCC exclusives.

Hey toy fans,

With the news of our SDCC figures spreading all over the web, thought Id take a moment to clarify some questions fans had.

1: Yes, these are our SDCC figures. It was not an April Fools joke. (but we did get some of you huh?)

2: Yes, all of the action figure exclusives will be sold online after the show (ideally that Monday, but it is too far off right now to tell) on Mattycollector.com.

3: Yes there are a few other exclusives to reveal for the Hot Wheels brand. These will also be available online after the show on Hotwheelscollector.com. Look for more details soon.

4: Yes, Gleek is only available at the show. He is not in the package with the Twins but rather will be poly bagged as a gift with purchase. Why did we do this? Well simply, in years past we did not have online distribution through my awesome website Mattycollector.com. In years past the ONLY way to get any of the exclusives was at the show. Now that we have online sales, we wanted to find a way to still reward fans who come out to the show with an exclusive only at the show, and Gleek will only be a gift with purchase in San Diego. Will everyone be happy with this, maybe not, but at least the main items are online. In years past you couldnt even get any of them without being at the show, now at least you can get the Twins online even if Gleek is not with them. This is why they are called show exclusives, because they are only at a show.

5: Yes, Hals head is removable and swappable. The reason Abin is nor in his animated uniform is to recreate Hal in two iconic uniforms, modern and vintage. Why does he not have his mask? Well because contractually we can not offer Hal this way. Period. But in the original story SOS Green Lantern he does not wear a mask and this set pays homage to that. And really, this was the best way for us to get Hal in the JLU line. It may not be what everyone wants, but we think it is darn cool.

6: He-Ro, like the other exclusives will be available online after the show. And you will learn why he has a star covered Power Sword in his bio. Also, his package will be the same as a standard MOTUC figure, no electronics, so he can ship world wide.

7: We will have a brand new second booth this year to handle sales which will be run by our Toy Club, the same professional retailers who run our Mattel Toy Stores throughout the US. We will have limits (likely 3-5 per item) which we will announce well before the show as well as additional details. We will take cash and credit cards and we will ideally be selling on Preview Night (we are still working these details out with SDCC as they have lots of rules this year about when and how companies can sell exclusives). But we will be holding back product each day. So even if we sell out on Thursday, we will have more on Friday, Saturday and Sunday to make sure everyone gets a shot to buy. Traditionally the lines are much shorter on Saturday and Sunday, so dont feel you HAVE to buy early on.

8: Yes we will have other product to sell including just a few He-Man, Beastman and Skeletors as well as a few other hard to find products and other current retail products. We wont know what these are until closer to the show.

9: The AntiMonitor points will be redeemable at our main product booth. So if you just want your free AntiMonitor for 50 points and your raffle tickets for every 25 points (including the first 50) you dont need to wait in the retail line. You will have the option of also buying an AntiMonitor (3 scale) for $10.00 at the retail booth if you dont have points. You are limited to only one free figure however. Any additional points will get you additional raffle tickets for each 25 points you have. We will raffle off at least one hand made 30 AntiMonitor each day and you do not need to be present to win. We will post the winning ticket number. If the figure is not claimed by the following days auction it will be re-raffled off.

10: Is it possible to change anything now? (like offering Gleek in the Twins pack) All of the exclusives are far enough along in the process that we are going forward as is. Any changes now would mean the product will be delayed and not make the show.

Okay, I think that covers all the main points. Obviously we are very excited for this years show. It looks to be our biggest presence ever with tons of surprises in store. Well have more updates as we get closer to the show.

See you all in San Diego. Ill be there to meet and greet in person!

BigDawg - 2009-04-02 @ 2:49 pm
Considering that Hal Jordan was in the cartoon for 10 seconds and was never a member of the Justice League in the cartoon, we're lucky to get anything at all.

Hal was in the cartoon for ten seconds longer than Ultraman, Apache Chief, Black Vulcan, Samurai, Super Woman, Mary Marvel, and the wizard, Shazam, but we're getting figures of all those.

They made a deal with their employees for a one of a kind figure and they have to honor that. Bad business or not they made an agreement they can't go back on.

It's a stupid agreement that should never had been made in the first place. They could've made countless other gestures towards their employees. They should've given them a far less essential and desired figure. They could've offered a variant version of Hal Jordan such as Modern Hal, Silver Temples Hal, Parallax, Battle Damaged Hal, etc. They should never have taken such a cornerstone character and taken him off the table so absolutely. Now that the deal is done and the agreement is to be honored, why not release a variant version of Hal for the general public. This way those employees keep their special unique figures and fans will be able to complete their DC Universes?

cjflan32 - 2009-04-02 @ 2:34 pm
Mattel has said multiple times they would never re-release the the costumed GL one they made and gave away to a select few as a holiday gift a few years ago. Don't know why but they have been pretty up front about that.

Yes. They have and I have always seen this as...

1. Incredibly stupid! As anyone can see, the JLU line is limping, crawling, and dragging itself to a grave that's been waiting for it since the line started. It's currently an exclusive being carried by a store that barely remembers its supposed to be supporting it. That's got to be one of the final stops on the train ride to oblivion. Mattel loves to point out that when a line fails, it's the fans' fault for not supporting it. Most recently, JLU fans have failed to support a wave consisting entirely of repaints and re-releases, an ugly Captain Atom, and an uglier Galatea. A Hal Jordan is something that fans, as proven by their pleas, would definitely support. Why not release something that WOULD sell instead of a single carded Kilowog no one ever asked for?

2. Horribly insulting! It doesn't matter how long you've supported this line or how many figures you've bought, Mattel continues to insist that you will NEVER have a complete JL line-up. Sure. You can rationalize that Hal was never a part of the animated JL, but let's face it. We all want Hal. To further salt our wounds, Mattel loves to keep trotting out that limited edition Hal they made for their cronies to every convention. Why display this? Do they enjoy the following exchange?

Fan: "Wow! A Hal Jordan! Finally! You guys are really making this?"

Mattel: "No."

Considering that Hal Jordan was in the cartoon for 10 seconds and was never a member of the Justice League in the cartoon, we're lucky to get anything at all. They made a deal with their employees for a one of a kind figure and they have to honor that. Bad business or not they made an agreement they can't go back on.

CaptainTriumph - 2009-04-02 @ 7:37 am

I'll buy it if I can find it.

GrtEternal - 2009-04-02 @ 5:09 am

This is good and all and I'll buy it anyway, maybe, but it needs a masked Hal Jordan head.

BigDawg - 2009-04-02 @ 4:44 am
Mattel has said multiple times they would never re-release the the costumed GL one they made and gave away to a select few as a holiday gift a few years ago. Don't know why but they have been pretty up front about that.

Yes. They have and I have always seen this as...

1. Incredibly stupid! As anyone can see, the JLU line is limping, crawling, and dragging itself to a grave that's been waiting for it since the line started. It's currently an exclusive being carried by a store that barely remembers its supposed to be supporting it. That's got to be one of the final stops on the train ride to oblivion. Mattel loves to point out that when a line fails, it's the fans' fault for not supporting it. Most recently, JLU fans have failed to support a wave consisting entirely of repaints and re-releases, an ugly Captain Atom, and an uglier Galatea. A Hal Jordan is something that fans, as proven by their pleas, would definitely support. Why not release something that WOULD sell instead of a single carded Kilowog no one ever asked for?

2. Horribly insulting! It doesn't matter how long you've supported this line or how many figures you've bought, Mattel continues to insist that you will NEVER have a complete JL line-up. Sure. You can rationalize that Hal was never a part of the animated JL, but let's face it. We all want Hal. To further salt our wounds, Mattel loves to keep trotting out that limited edition Hal they made for their cronies to every convention. Why display this? Do they enjoy the following exchange?

Fan: "Wow! A Hal Jordan! Finally! You guys are really making this?"

Mattel: "No."

JayC - 2009-04-02 @ 2:41 am

Mattel has said multiple times they would never re-release the the costumed GL one they made and gave away to a select few as a holiday gift a few years ago. Don't know why but they have been pretty up front about that.

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