I'd drink Cavill's bath water. He looks hot.
I just don't like the scruffy beard/extreme five o'clock shadow thing in those pictures of Clark, but I'm hoping that's part of the story.
Maybe it's part of the disguise. Of course a pair of glasses wouldn't fool anybody in real life, but a beard, well, that's a completely different story. @loll@
As a huge Superman fan, I appreciate Cavill's dedication to the project. But for some reason I cant help but think of Chris Benoit, whenever I see Cavill's body frame and hands, during this movie...
I understand that the character of Superman has to look strong, but he shouldn't look like he's roided out either.... The way that hes been drawn in modern comics, he looks like he works out with Gregg Valentino... He so big now, that he no-longer looks "mild-mannered".... A guy who's frame is big enough to look like he could run through walls, is not "mild-mannered"--and will stand out in a crowd even in a business suit and glasses. One of the things that made the Golden through Modern Age Superman art so cool, is that you a had a guy of average fit shape and build, lifting a car over his head....or flying and smashing through walls. Its the awe of small things lifting up huge things, like small ants lifting things a lot larger than themselves.
That's why to me the best Superman artists of all time are Curt Swan and Jos Luis Garca-Lpez (my all time favorite artist within all of comics, and medias). Even though Mr. Garca-Lpez's Superman art started out depicting Superman in average fit physical shape, his modern Superman art later became bigger and a little more stocky in build. But Mr. Swan's Silver Age, Bronze Age, and Modern Age Superman, still remained in fit shape, but was never overtly ripped or big in frame. That captures the magic of the Superman shock and awe about his strength and abilities...because on average most people wont expect a mild-mannered looking man, to have the strength to be able to lift cars or smash through walls.
Aside from the great acting and portrayal, that's why Mr. Reeve's Superman will always be the best live-action representation of the character. His Superman was tall and in shape, but wasn't overtly ripped or looked like he could lift cars.... His Superman still maintained the "mild-mannered" look of the original comics, but could still use his huge strength when needed.
To each his own I suppose, but to be honest Cavill isn't that huge. Chris Benoit was much more stockier than Cavill, more
like Wolverine's build than anything. Cavill is much more proportional. As much as I enjoyed Reeve's Superman he wasn't to
imposing as the Man of Steel which I believe is what many fans are hoping for with a modern interpretation of the
character. Also depending on what type of clothes he wears, its easy the hide Cavill's frame which as I've said isn't
astronomically roided out either. Build-wise, he's just right. I'm also hoping that Snyder doesn't give us a buffoonish
interpretation of Clark, I'd much prefer a more Animated Series interpretation of the character.
Nice, he doesn't look overly big to me, I remember when I use to weight left it was all about being big in all the right places , a dude like ultimate warrior would be to big, but this guy isn't to big and looks proportional. man I need to get back to that it's been like 8 years!!!! lol
As a huge Superman fan, I appreciate Cavill's dedication to the project. But for some reason I cant help but think of Chris Benoit, whenever I see Cavill's body frame and hands, during this movie...
I understand that the character of Superman has to look strong, but he shouldn't look like he's roided out either.... The way that hes been drawn in modern comics, he looks like he works out with Gregg Valentino... He so big now, that he no-longer looks "mild-mannered".... A guy who's frame is big enough to look like he could run through walls, is not "mild-mannered"--and will stand out in a crowd even in a business suit and glasses. One of the things that made the Golden through Modern Age Superman art so cool, is that you a had a guy of average fit shape and build, lifting a car over his head....or flying and smashing through walls. Its the awe of small things lifting up huge things, like small ants lifting things a lot larger than themselves.
That's why to me the best Superman artists of all time are Curt Swan and Jos Luis Garca-Lpez (my all time favorite artist within all of comics, and medias). Even though Mr. Garca-Lpez's Superman art started out depicting Superman in average fit physical shape, his modern Superman art later became bigger and a little more stocky in build. But Mr. Swan's Silver Age, Bronze Age, and Modern Age Superman, still remained in fit shape, but was never overtly ripped or big in frame. That captures the magic of the Superman shock and awe about his strength and abilities...because on average most people wont expect a mild-mannered looking man, to have the strength to be able to lift cars or smash through walls.
Aside from the great acting and portrayal, that's why Mr. Reeve's Superman will always be the best live-action representation of the character. His Superman was tall and in shape, but wasn't overtly ripped or looked like he could lift cars.... His Superman still maintained the "mild-mannered" look of the original comics, but could still use his huge strength when needed.
Henry Cavill On Set Of Superman: Man Of Steel
Im just happy that they picked an actor that has some muscle size to him, like sups, and not the skinny but ripped look! Sups is a BIG muscular dude, its about time they bring that out in a movie!
Man of Steel Photos of Henry Cavill and the Coast Guard Coming to the Rescue
i love that dude for superman. just awesome.
Man of Steel Photos of Henry Cavill and the Coast Guard Coming to the Rescue
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