DC Icons 6" Justice League 7-Pack Figures Review & Image Gallery

by Jay Cochran
March 23, 2017

DC Collectibles continues their 6” line of DC Icons figures with this new Justice League 7 figure boxset. Included in the set are figures of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Hal Jordan Green Lantern, The Flash, Aquaman and Cyborg. Each figure is decked out in their most modern costumes based on the DC Comic Rebirth storyline. Even though many of the characters in this set previously have been released individually in the line, all the figures featured here have brand-new sculpts. This set is available for pre-order with a price of $84.99 and will be in stock soon at BigBadToyStore.com.

One of the biggest complaints collectors have leveled at DC Collectibles for the Icons line is that they are smaller than most other 6” scale lines such as Mattel’s Multiverse/DCUC and Hasbro’s Marvel Legends. With this set, DC Collectibles has tried to address that issue by sizing up all the figures from the previous versions released. Batman is the most noticeable in this regard when you compare the new version with the previous blue and grey version.

I give DC Collectibles mad props for taking this step. While it really isn’t a fair complaint to expect one toy company to make their figures the exact same scale as another, it was obviously something the bothered many collectors, and I am happy to see DC listening.

The one downside to this set is that none of the figures come with any accessories and all have closed fists. So even if you can round up already owned accessories for these figures, they can’t hold them. Some figures with previous versions released such as Green Lantern, Aquaman and Flash can use the open grip hands with these figures. Other like Batman are less fortunate. The previous Batman figure features hands with blue gloves don’t really work well with this new one that has black gloves on. Normally the Icons figures cost anywhere between $20-28 dollars when sold individually, so it makes sense that no accessories were included in this set costing only $100. Still it would have been nice if they had given the figures at least one open grip hand.

Since the boxset is based on the Justice League team from the Rebirth storyline, some have wondered why Hal Jordan was included instead of Simon Baz and Jessica Cruz who are the Green Lanterns on the team. I can’t say for sure, but I believe this is because original production for this boxset was based on the Justice League from the New 52 era, a time when Hal Jordan was on the team. DC Collectibles decided to update the figures to match the most modern costumes, but I don’t think it would have been cost effective to totally scrap Hal at that point and make newly sculpted figures of Baz and/or Cruz. Hopefully those figures will be released soon.

Before we look at each of the figures in the set, let's first take a look at the packaging. The figures come in a large rectangular window-box with all 7 figures clearly displayed. The box is done in blue, white and black colors. In the lower left corner, you can see the DC Icons logo and off to the side it says Justice League. On the top of the box in big letters, it says DC Universe REBIRTH. One side of the box is blank and the other has images of all 7 figures in the set. The back of the box features a number of previously released figures from the Icons line including the Darkseid and Burnside Batgirl deluxe figures. Also shown are a number of yet-to-be-released single-packed figures. Specifically shown are images of the upcoming Static, Swamp Thing, Deathstroke and New 52 Wonder Woman figures. All of these should see release in early April.

Now on to my thoughts on each of the figures in this set.

We will start with my favorite in the set: Batman. The scale for this figure is almost perfect and much improved over the previous Batman figure released. At first I wasn’t too fond of the Rebirth outfit for Batman with the yellow outlined bat-symbol on his chest, but it has grown on me. The paint applications are solid with the black and grey and the yellow on his chest, and the utility belt stand out nicely on the figure. Articulation on all these figures is pretty solid. A hinge-joint on the neck for more up and down movement with the head would be a nice addition, and I know some people would like to see thigh swivels although you still get some of that movement where the legs attach with the ball-joints. As I mentioned before, my only real complaint with this figure is that they gave him two closed fists. I have plenty of bat-accessories from previous figures I could use, but he has no way to hold them.

The Hal Jordan Green Lantern is another great figure. This one looks almost identical to the previous Hal Jordan released in the Icons line, only taller. The closed hands and lack of accessories on this one isn’t a big deal for me since I can just use the hands and accessories from the previous figure. Most of the accessories from that figure work perfectly with this one. Paint applications are also very solid. While this Hal is taller than the previous one released, this is the shortest figure in the boxset.

Superman is another figure that I think is much improved over the previous Icons version. While the face sculpt isn’t perfect on this one, I do think it looks better than the one on the older figure. Now some might prefer the older version simply because they like Superman’s more classic look, but I have grown to like Superman better without the red trunks. Superman, I think, is the one that suffers the most with the lack of hinge joint on the neck. Not being able to put the head back for flight poses is a real bummer, but you can still get him in some pretty good hover poses if you have a flight stand.

This set introduces us to the very first Wonder Woman figure in the Icons line, and for the most part I think this is a nice figure. Like with Superman, the head sculpt is not perfect but isn't horrid. The eyes look a little off at certain angles, but I have definitely seen worse on other female figures. Wonder Woman is also a little bit on the tall side. She is actually the tallest figure in the set, and the tallest regular Icon figure to date. Now being that Wonder Woman is a Amazon being tall isn’t that big a deal, however in the comics she generally is not seen as being taller than Superman and Batman and this figure definitely is. The sculpting detail for the costume is nice and seems to capture the Rebirth design quite well.

Aquaman is another one that looks similar to the previously released version. It has brighter green and orange colors, a gold collar and a different head sculpt. The belt is a little different as well. The biggest advantage this one has over the previous version is that it is taller.

The new Flash figure features yellow striping throughout the figure to mimic the use of the speed force. I have never been a huge fan of previous Flash figures that have the yellow striping, but I don’t think it looks too bad here. The lightning bolts on the head have been re-sculpted and are made with a more flexible plastic so they won’t snap off as easily as previous figures. I would still recommend caution though when handling the head. The boots have more of an armored look than the previous Flash, and the wings on the side have been removed. If you have the previous Icons Flash, then you can use the open running hands with this figure as well as the treadmill.

Like with Wonder Woman, this set gives us our first Cyborg figure. There will be a deluxe Cyborg figure released next month, and (from what I can tell) the two figures are identical. The sculpting detail is nice on the figure, especially with the headsculpt. I also like the metallic silver they used for his metal parts. Since the upcoming deluxe figure will have accessories, I would say if the only figure you wanted in this set was Cyborg, you would probably be better to wait for the single packed version. If you want the other figures in this set as well, then this one does round out the set nicely.

The boxset is hitting comic and specialty shops now and has a MSRP of $100. A big thanks to DC Collectibles for sending this set out to us so we could review it. If you like the backdrops seen in many of the images for this review, be sure to check out Extreme-Sets.com. Check out our GALLERY below for more images of all the figures in this set.
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