^ Agreed... The Mafex ones have been looking pretty pimp, all things considered. So far, nothing from the Multiverse wave of Aquaman movie figures has really struck out at me as anything spectacular. But, a few are still on my mind to pick up, if I ever see any of them. Most especially their Black Manta.
I'm not sure on this one. They look good and they're not bad figures but I'm way more of a marvel fan and I'ma little behind on some legends. I think the Mafex DCEU figs look much better and the boost in quality makes the figures more fun.
I'm not liking it. Especially at $40. These look like knockoffs. Mattel always seems to go with soft likenesses and sculpts. This is one Aquaman set I'll pass on.
Looks cool though I wouldn't get too many DC figs besides Mafex. or SHF
Really digging aquaman a costume but I feel like they ran out of money when they got to Orm either way he looks cool too
I don't know what exactly to expect from this movie. I don't have high hopes. But I am withsxeblueson ths one. They are surely dumping a lot of product. They area either trying to milk as much money as possible or by contract they are obligated to make this much figures. Either way is a risky move and could lead to a massive failure and all of these will end up in the discount bin.
They are not bad. Actually they look interesting and in fact you could use them for other things and even army build for some fantasy collection.
Without having seen the movie as yet, I could be totally wrong on this, but I almost feel like theyre reaching a bit, with how many different variations of figures theyre trying to shell out no pun intended for this movie. Im just not convinced that the demand for all of them is going to actually be there. But, thatsnot to say that the armored Aquaman doesnt look pretty cool, cuz he absolutely does. But, then again, I look at this particular shot of them and am reminded of Jake and Elwood sneaking into the Palace Hotel Ballroom, behind the backs of dozens ofroving police officers looking to nab them.