Yeah, Batgirl's legs definitely look too big for her upper body.
The QC issues are a shame... And, while I dont think these are horrendous figures, by any real stretch of the imagination, I dont think theyre quite my cup of tea. I feel like Barbara should be maybe slightly smaller in build. Shes really rocking some Chun-Li level thighs, which feels a bit off, to me. And Joker would probably be perfect, were it not for that particular head sculpt. Its not bad at all, its just not quite what Id want for him. Great review though, as always!
Joker looks far too pretty. He needs more of creep factor.
Great review! I've got to resist Barbara just because I've already got the Multiverse and Icons versions and they're all similar enough I don't need a third but that Joker... I didn't think I needed him but he just looks kinda fun in this review. Darn it, lol!
nice joker