I certainly hope Hiya has upped their sculpting & QC. I have the Superman & the face is dollar store horrendous. Definately not worth $20 range. But being a sucker for female figures & seeing that Harley looks improved, I ordered one. Hoping Wondy & Supergirl will get progressively better. early Wondy shots look husky.
On 3/16/2019 at 8:30 AM, sXeblues said:Id love to see some of these in 6 scale, like Supergirl and Wonder Woman. Its just crazy to me to be charging $20 for such a small figure.
I don't mean to quote you every single time these come up but I literally was thinking the exact same thing as I was checking out the pics: "Oh, if these were 6", I'd definitely be willing to go to $20 for them. But for under 4"... not so much."
On 3/16/2019 at 10:30 AM, sXeblues said:Id love to see some of these in 6 scale, like Supergirl and Wonder Woman. Its just crazy to me to be charging $20 for such a small figure.
I was thinking the exact same thing.... $20 seems a tad high for 3 3/4'
These.... actually look pretty cool. Im digging that red hood and swamp thingalot and these look very accurate to the game. I dont really collect this scale tho. Also is it just me or does the upper part of wonder womans legs look super big and weird looking? Yeah and that pricetag for such tiny figs isnt really great either. Id easily pay that for a 6 in version of these tho.
Id love to see some of these in 6 scale, like Supergirl and Wonder Woman. Its just crazy to me to be charging $20 for such a small figure.
Swamp thing is interesting. I dont think thats a character weve ever had in 1/18 scaleat least not that I can recall.