Overall I do like this figure but IMO the 'Signiture Series' Penquin turned out better here. The proportions on Joker look a little off, the head could've been sculpted better, not a terrible figure mind you and will be getting one, just a few observations.
The body sculpt looks great but the head looks really off, if the head would have been more proportionate and the hair would have been sculpted better this figure would have been much better.
5 hours ago, RyanJSaber said:So happy I dont need to pay 80$ for the mafex
That's understandable if its not really that important character for you or you just dont feel the need for a greater looking HL joker, I have the mafex 2.0 Joker and its an absolute beauty (like any figure its not perfect but itsas close to perfect as that particular figurecould be) I wouldnt change it for this figure and Im glad I payed close to $80 for it because when I got the figure I thought it was worth it, but to each his own.I personaly would rather pay morefor a figure and feel every dolar I payed for itwas worth it than pay close to $30 and feel like I threw if not all, then part of the money I spent on that figure down the toilet.Still for people who dont care to spend as much as a Mafex one this looks better than the previous Mattel Movie Masters figures (just look well when you buy it to minimize QC issues since Mattel is known to be pretty bad with that as of late)
3 hours ago, RyanJSaber said:So happy I dont need to pay 80$ for the mafex
While I believe the Mafex figure is the superior figure, this is still a good figure for only $25-$28. But for $80 whatever figure it is should always be the superior figure lol
So happy I dont need to pay 80$ for the mafex
4 hours ago, Satam said:The submachine gun is a Smith & Wesson M76. It kinda looks like something from WWII, but it's Vietnam era. Shame yours was so bent up out of the package. I hate that.
Thanks for the info.
The submachine gun is a Smith & Wesson M76. It kinda looks like something from WWII, but it's Vietnam era. Shame yours was so bent up out of the package. I hate that.
2 hours ago, SpiderS said:Great review, Main issue with this figure is either oversized head or undersized torso and skinny arms, I get the idea they didn't want figure to be too baggy but they overdid it.
I agree with you. From a distance it looks good, but up close its too thin
Great review, Main issue with this figure is either oversized head or undersized torso and skinny arms, I get the idea they didn't want figure to be too baggy but they overdid it.