They are too big. Though they look good. I didn't really like the Wonder woman face though.
Nice! Might actually get him. Havent tried Beast Kingdom line yet. Anyone recommend?
Oh, man! Why 7", it looks dope, love the nightmare Batman's design, but the scale is a bit of a problem for me.
After getting the Mezco, the Mafex, the Hot Toys, and the Multiverse versions of Knightmare Bats, I think I should call it quits! haha! This one looks pretty good though, the 7" scale is just a little too big for my liking. I'm also not crazy about the way they sculpt their Batman heads, they look a little off to me.But the cloth on the duster looks like fabric rather than pleather which is what Mezco used, so that's a plus. Maybe if it goes on sale, I'll add it to my Knightmare Batman collection! haha!
This "Nightmare Batman" had some real nice details sculpt wise, not a big fan of the movie through. Wonder if there will be enough demand for differing figures from the norm like this for there to be more made.
I'm kind of surprised companies are still making stuff from this movie.
Damn thats nice! Never owned a beast kingdom fig but this may change my mind! Love that soft goods coat and pants.