Announcement #1:
Another Amazing Sale from! We are expecting our first shipment of the Rocketeer Helmet replicas in one week and want to sell them all NOW! We are selling these beauties for $319 + free shipping. These Rocketeer Helmets, made by Master Replicas, are perfect replicas of the helmets from the beautifully drawn comic book and the now classic movie. This is a limited edition of 2,000 replicas and no more will be made after they sell out. They will sell out soon.
Description: Authentic metal helmet based off of a hero helmet casting. • Detailed rivets and dark lenses replicate the original helmet. • Finished in a beautiful antique gold with a soft cotton liner and leather chin strap. • A sturdy wood base props up the helmet for the 360’ viewing.
Suggested retail price: $399.00
Your Price: $319.00 + Free Shipping
Announcement #2:
Free Contest Giveaway!!! would like to announce a new contest for all visitors of our site! We will be giving out a statue of a Women of the DC Universe: Supergirl Bust. This bust is running out fast and is sold out in many venues. The Supergirl Bust is sure to become a collector’s item in months to come.
Contest ends November 30. The winner will be randomly selected amongst those that fill out our form.