Toy News International is proud to announce our 1st ever Minimate Custom Contest. Between now and October 30th we want you to submit your custom made Minimate figures. You can use any Art Asylum Minimate figure for the basis of your character and it can be a custom of any type of character(s) you want to try and make. You can submit up to 2 entries. Try and make your pictures as clear and detailed as possible so we can all get a good look at your work. To be considered for entry into the contest we must have your submission by October, 30th 2003.
Click here to send us your submission. Your submission must include the following:
1.) Detailed pictures of your custom(s) attached to the email as a jpg. file or a url link to were you have your picture hosted. Limit the number a pictures to 3 per custom entry.
2.) A description of how you created your custom Minimate
3.) A mailing address to mail your prize if you win (will not be made public.) and how you want your name listed with your entry. It can either be your real name or a screen name if you prefer. Please include your real name with your mailing address though.
We will post all the entries we recieve in our Minimate Custom Contest Image gallery for all to see. You can also talk about all the entries in our
MiniMusings forum area if you want. Then on October 31st, Halloween our TNI judges will select the 4 best customs that were entered into the contest. The things the judges will be looking at most is orginality, quality and effort. Then On October 31st we will list the 4 winners in our
MiniMusings forum area.
UPDATE:We have extended the entry dated till November 1st and the drawing will be held on November 2nd.
Now just what will the 4 finalist be winning? Well here is a listing of the prizes.
4th Place - will win a Star Trek Captain Kirk With Tribbles Minimate
3rd Place - will win a Star Trek Captain Kirk With Tribbles Minimate
2nd Place - will win a Summer Convention Peter Parker/Mary Jane Marvel Minimate set
1st Place - will win a Summer Convention Peter Parker/Mary Jane Marvel Minimate set and a Summer Convention Grey Hulk/Ultimate Spider-Man Marvel Minimate set
So good luck to all and get to customizing.
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