Decky Hedrock sends us our first entry in the 2003 TNI Halloween Contest. Their costume is of Cobra Commander from G.I.Joe. They did the the RAH 12" version, with the 'dodgy eyebrow' rare variation paint application ;)
Glyn Stevens brings us our second entry in this year's contest. He will be going out this year as Two-Face from Batman The Animated Series.

Evan Taggart brings us the thrid entry. This year he is going out as Jason Voorhees. The Jason he is going for is the Freddy vs Jason version. Everything you see he made
himself, with the exception of the store-bought machete. The mask was hand painted to.

Stand back! There's a Hurricane coming through and this ain't no SuperHero In Training either. Prozac sends us pictues of himself in his costume for this year. This year he is going out as the WWE Superstar Huricane Helms.
Jimmy Castillo will be going out this year as Max from "Where The Wild Things Are".

Giovanni Checcucci-lisi sends us pictures of his Halloween costume this year. He will be going out as the X-Men Cyclops. He says the costume was made with cardboard, colour paper, glue, and scotch, except for the troussers and the t-shirt.

Beau Brown sends us pictures of himself in his Casey Jones Coostume from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. He carved the mask in clay then made a plaster negative. Then he used the
plaster cast to make the mask out of thermaplastic.
Teelagirl sends us a picture of herself in her Teela costume based on the new MOTU cartoon. The costume is
mostly based on the new comic book version of Teela,
and is entirely handmade by her, including the dress,
the armor, and the staff!
SideTracker sends us a picture of himself in his homemade Transformers Soundwave costume

Michael Aguirre AKA Preventer sends us pictures of himself in his Ultimate Wolverine costume.
The costume itself is your standard black pants and black ribbed shirt, but the patterns were ironed on. The belts are actually two belts and craft foam for the belt packs and X-logo.
The pride and joy are the gloves though. They're modified halloween biker gloves with cut styrene for the claws, put together 2 per blade for strength.
The costume is meant to be based off the current run of Wolverine covers found in Ultimate X-men.

Alex Trejo AKA Clam34 sends us pictures of himself in his Football costume.
and yes he does go "trick or treating" with that Spider-Man head candy bucket. Course the real question is, does he hear it speak to him at night??

Rob Lowe sends us pictures of himself in his Mad Hatter costume.
The costume is all assembled from thrift store clothes, except the hat that i bought at wal mart. The mallet is a croquet mallet handle with a coffee can. He thanks Mike aka Preventer for the chrome paint.

NightCreeper sends us pictures of himself in his "Spider-Man from Hell" costume. Course we're not really sure if this isn't how he walks around his home all year around.
Vex sends us pictures of himself in dressed as a vampire. Ah a face only a mother could love.

Nick Donaldson sends us pictures of himself dressed as the Incredible Hulk.
To find out how you can enter your own Halloween costume and be entered for a chance to win a free set of Marvel Legends Urban Legends Boxset, Marvel Legends Beast, Elektra and Punisher figures from Toy Biz,
Click here.
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