Looks great.
Just as good as the $80-$100 DC dolls, the upcoming GI Joe dolls, etc...
And I can't afford those either.
At that scale, I wonder if it would be possible to make the hands out of bendy-material, so as to be able to pose them without the detraction of joints. I would be concerned with a smaller scale in that the fingers would be more likely to break, but at this size, you'd have more strength in the material to keep that from happening. Just seems at that price, you shouldn't have to be stuck with pre-posed hands like that.
HOT TOYS does it in 1/6 scale. They have done it well for quite some time.
DID does it too, to a lesser degree of success but at a lower cost. And they even make real fabric gloves that go over the hands, real metal working machine gun ammunition where every shell comes out, solid metal helmets etc. All for less than $50. And they've done this for years.
I'm spoiled on their 1/6 scale. As much as I would love some 1/6 or 1/4 scale Star Wars, G.I. Joe or Star Trek figures - I see no reason to pay almost twice the price for 1/10th the equipment and 1/10th the detail. Prices on these figures have gone up I'm sure since I was buying them a couple of years ago but just knowing what's possible makes it impossible for me to buy sci-fi or fantasy figures until the quality and price are where they should be (I know there are some deviations from this, but mostly that's how I feel)
The clothing still doesn't look that far ahead of what Playmates did with their 12" figures
Agreed. And he's just so skinny. It isn't healthy.
I don't know... I'm looking and I just can't really find a justification to buy these quarter scale figures. I've seen Kirk for sale at around $65, which is about the same as Sideshow's 12" figures. But looking at the figures, they're really nothing we haven't seen before. The clothing still doesn't look that far ahead of what Playmates did with their 12" figures, and the fact that Spock comes with a phaser and communicator but no tricorder is a big check in the negative column.
Sure, the sound chips are a snazzy new feature, but overall I'm not blown away enough by these to want to start a collection of yet another scale of Star Trek figures.
At that scale, I wonder if it would be possible to make the hands out of bendy-material, so as to be able to pose them without the detraction of joints. I would be concerned with a smaller scale in that the fingers would be more likely to break, but at this size, you'd have more strength in the material to keep that from happening. Just seems at that price, you shouldn't have to be stuck with pre-posed hands like that.
Kind of reminds me of the old Mego fire but the price tag is way too much