This is the deluxe edition.Not sure what the difference between the Captain's and Ship's edition is though... although this says the tokens are metal...
Yep, that's the one I got. The deluxe comes in a tin instead of a box, has metal ship tokens instead of plastic ones and has a few more trivia question cards.
I saw this at Wal-Mart the other day and thought about getting it but held off for now. Does anyone have it who can say if its any fun or not?
Er, yeah, me.... guess you didn't read the previous posts...
It's fun, but the clips get repetitive and annoying after a while. Plus it can become quite one sided, so play with other Trekkies 'cause if you play with people who don't know too much about Star Trek (say people who don't know the difference between the Enterprise and a Klingon ship) you'll snowball 'em.
I saw this at Wal-Mart the other day and thought about getting it but held off for now. Does anyone have it who can say if its any fun or not?
This is the deluxe edition.
Not sure what the difference between the Captain's and Ship's edition is though... although this says the tokens are metal...
Geez, good news coverage, I've had this over a month now....
It's a fun game, but the clips can become really annoying. (Seriously if I have to watch Sisko tell Jake about the Bajoran Solar Sail ship one more freaking time...)
I'd like to see the scene were TOS 1701 dumps all of it's human waste out of a valve somewhere and the ensuing smokey and the bandit II style sh-t bombing occurs.
With as much as I know about Next Gen you'd think I'd be all over something like this. But I love ST for what it teaches us not to brag about my knowlwdge of LCARS and back up systems that are build in the each Transporter scanner pad.
For me its enough to better my self in everyday real life.
Nope I don't play board games anymore