DSTChuck has released a new Diamond Select Toys Q&A over on their
Art Asylum website for your viewing pleasure.
In this weeks edition focuses on Star Trek questions. Check out the entire Q&A below:
David Chin
Are there any plans to revise the TOS tricorder so that the lighting is more evenly distributed throughout the screen? As it is, it is only lit on one side and, to me, seems to be the only downside to an otherwise great product
DSTChuck: David, if we do sell out of the tricorder and decide there is sufficient demand for a second production run, we’ll look at ways we can improve it, just like we do with all other new production runs.
Gar Crispell
Will you guys get the license for the 2012 Star Trek movie?
DSTChuck: No, I am sorry to say we are not being considered for the license.
Roddy DeHart
Any consideration given to TWOK Mego Style figures of Spock, Kirk, etc? What about Stargate Mego figures?
DSTChuck: YES we have thought about TWOK style but we’ve still got a ways to go with the TOS product we’ve planned.
Andrew Lehtola
I was wondering if TWOK communicator will have the same lighting effect as seen in the movie. Example of what I mean …. When Saavik is trying to reach the Enterprise, you see the bottom of the communicator flicker with the volume of her voice. Will this effect be on the toy, so when you talk into it the light below will flicker with the sound of your voice?
DSTChuck: We’re still working on the features and sound effects and such so I’d hate to say something definitive right now.
George Miller
Hello. Have you ever considered making a replica of the wrist communicator from star trek the motion picture?
DSTChuck: No to be honest we’ve never considered that for our line.
Coy Wims
I was wondering if Diamond Select was ever thinking about making a Star Trek Voyager line of 7″ figures for early or late 2011, as well the Borg line you were gonna make back in 2008. Also was curious if you were gonna still make a Sisko & Dukat figure set that you going to put out in 2009. just wonderin? Please send me a reply when you can.Hope to hear from ya!
DSTChuck: Sorry Coy, none of those items are in active development anymore.
Neil Ruddiforth
Hi there I recently bought your Wrath of Khan Enterprise, and I am so impressed, it’s outstanding! As the film is one of my favorites, and I’m a bit of a completest, so I was wondering is you had any plans to create the USS Reliant from the movie? I think it would make a lot of fans happy! Many thanks, I look forward to hearing from you. Neil
DSTChuck: Right now we’re not working on the Relaint but it’s a ship we have considered. I am glad you like your new Enterprise.
William Nicholson
Hello. I was wondering how the Enterprise B was progressing, and if will see a Excelsior ship as well. You also have my vote the on the star trek 3 phaser, and please consider a Klingon Battle Cruiser D-7 or K’Tinga class for the next new ship thank you
DSTChuck: Things are moving along. We’ve had some complications with each ship but the product manager and factory are working their way through it.
Rob Brown
Hi I was delighted to see more additions being added to the star trek retro series . I have been waiting years to see a nurse chapel retro figure and very much hope Janice rand will not be too far behind . I’m still waiting for the release of the rand and chapel action figures - when will this be ? also is there any chance of seeing rand and chapel in there movie uniforms as well as the whole crew in their motion picture uniforms - the whole crew i all of their uniform variations has never been done - i’m not asking for much ! love all your figures - keep them coming thanks , rob
DSTChuck: Sorry Rob, but the Chapel and Rand figures are not in active development but we’re keeping an eye on the recently releases 1701 two packs to see if there is demand for some higher priced, more limited two packs.
Roddy DeHart
Stargate Universe is picking up pretty well… any plans for a figure line? How about Rush, Young and Eli in the first set and Chloe, Scott and TJ in the second set?
DSTChuck: Roddy, right now still nothing percolating on StarGate but we never say never around here.
B’ R
I figured this is worth a shot (a small shot)… How are things going with the BSG 2-packs? Do you have ANY news at all on the future of the line? We would all really like to at least just have a semi-completed set, and I think almost every fan would agree that would only mean releasing one more 2 pack, Roslin and Baltar. They really are the only 2 we NEED (I’d love to see Cain, but I’m grabbing at air here). Is there any way you can make a Baltar/Roslin??? pleeeeeaase :-D
DSTChuck: The latest two packs have not really been selling beyond the order that were booked for them but with the new Pilot green light, things might get interesting again!
Alan Gosser
Is the UQS Darth Vader ever going to be released and when????
DSTChuck: I am sorry Alan, as much as we wanted to go forward the orders were just not there to justify production at this time.