Greetings all! I hope you are all having a wonderful Christmas with family and friends. As promised, I have the second part of the Johnny Lightning Gallery & Review ready for all of you good people. That being said, let's get right to it!

Here are the remaining offerings of what is looking to be quite a promising toyline. I am so glad that Johnny Lightning decided to take a chance on this license and really deliver a strong product. The detail is quite fine, both in paint and sculpting and the ships themselves are durable enough to be handled. Some more than others, though. Being that they are plastic, ships like the classic Enterprise wouldn't survive in your pocket, but they are great for displaying, and can still be played with when the kid inside us all takes over...
I have never really liked the Original Series Shuttlecraft. I always thought they looked clunky and big. I have always been much more partial to the movie redesign used in Trek V. Since I grew up long after the Original Series was off the air, the classic era has always been a hard sell for me. But I must admit, that as I grow older I find I have a much better appreciation for the Classic series because it is where it all began. The JL Galileo 7 is very well done regardless of its clunky design. It looks exactly as it should, and I love all the little details in paint application.
The good folks at Johnny Lightning are definately big fans of the Original Series, for all of the Classic themed starships are beutifully done. The D-7 is fantastic. I love all of the little details that are on it. Overall, like the rest of the Original series ships, the design is pretty simple in terms of paint and detail, but there is enough there to make it look good. It has tiny little windows painted on the bridge/weapons pod and it just looks smashing. It seems to be in pretty good scale with the Classic Enterprise, so they will look pretty good if and when they are to face one another. Great ship, and even better toy, I give it high praise.
The Romulan Bird of Prey is something of an anomaly to me. It is just about perfectly executed. The details are great, and the constuction is solid. The only wierd thing about it is that its just... Big. Really Big. Now, Johnny Lightning set out to scale all of the ships to be about 4 inches long, which made each of the ships out of scale to eachother. This caused the Romulan BoP to be much larger than the rest of the line because it is a ship that is wider than it is long. I'm not sure exactly how large it was supposed to be on the show, but I don't seem to recall it dwarfing the Enterprise when they met. Not that it's size is a bad thing, it just seems out of place with the rest of the line. Still, it is very well made, and looks just great.
I have also included a series of pictures that compare the Johnny Lightning Reliant to the Furuta version. I could go into detail about the differences of each ship and which one is better and how, etc, but I thought the pics could just as easily speak for themselves. So I hope you enjoy them.
Click here to see part 1.
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