No 2002 Era MOTU Figures For The Classic Line

by Jay Cochran
September 2, 2008
For those fans who were hoping that Mattel’s modern Masters of the Universe line (released in 2002 and cancelled shortly afterward) would make some type of return in the new Masters of the Universe Classic line, I am afraid we have some bad news for you. According to Mattel’s Scott Neitich, this new Classic line will only include new figures based on their original 80’s look, at least for now.

Scott tells us, “All of the figures in the new MOTUC line will be retrofitted to look like classic figures. So when and if we did ‘Count Marzo’ for example is released, the Horsemen will sculpt him to look like he had a figure in the 1980s (Editor’s Note: The Count Marzo character never had a figure made in the 80’s or in 2002. So this would be a completely new figure, if made). We may eventually do variants of figures like Hordak in his 2002 look. But initially we will be doing all the figures in a vintage classic look.”

For those of you who have not been following recent Masters of the Universe events, Mattel brought a new modernized line of He-Man figures to retail in 2002 which were sculpted by the Four Horsemen. This line was largely praised by collectors, however the line (for reasons which are still debated to this day) were not largely embraced by retailers and soon after was canceled. Many people felt the line was canceled because of Mattel’s bad handling of the distribution for it.

Several years later, Mattel has made a new attempt to re-launch Masters of the Universe through an online website operated by Mattel themselves. This new line with detailed articulated figures is supposed to be aimed primarily at collectors and also is being sculpted by the Four Horsemen.

However, this new line has not been warmly embraced by many collectors, primarily due to the price tag that these figures are sporting. Each 6” figure will cost $20 plus S&H and will be sold exclusively online. Another reason many collectors have expressed disappointment in this new line is Mattel’s decision to base these new figures on their classic 80’s look instead of the more modern 2002 look. In a recent non-scientific poll we conducted on TNI, only 45% of the people who participated said they would buy these figures.

At this time, it is unclear where Mattel plans to take this line. Scott did reveal to us that they are looking at possible “Collect-To-Connect” packs-ins for the future. With the potential for He-Man to return to the big screen in a new live-action movie, it would seem to us that we will eventually see Masters of the Universe return to regular retail. For the immediate future and with the current economic conditions many collectors face today, it seems unclear how much support fans will be willing to give (at $20 a pop) to Mattel at this line.

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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
motuxmen - 2008-09-26 @ 5:46 pm
you know that this statement contadicts your last one.

in what way?

I thought it actually streamlined and explained it.

let me lay it out simply:

1: If they don't make what I want, I will not give them any money, so, if the line tanks, I had no investment in it whatsoever, and therefore, the burden is off of me, and I am free to gloat about how the fans killed the line.

2: If they DO make what I want, I'll buy it and be happy.

either way, I'll be happy, either in my sadistic glee over the fans having nobody to blame but themselves, for the line collapsing this time, or I'll get what I want.

the only way I lose is if the line is a huge success, and I still don't get what I want, but y'know what?, I STILL won't be disappointed, because eventually they're gonna run out of characters, or ideas, and then they're gonna revert back to bad habits.

and I'm not really counting on that. This IS MOTU we're talking about, it's pretty much doomed to fail.

as for taking a toyline too seriously, believe me, it's all one huge joke to me.

WOW. thats all i can think off. WOW.

I dont get how someone can "gloat" over a product that someone else likes failing.

That would be like me saying "thank god the NECA 2pack stactions got cancelled"...or "man I am glad that stupid 200x line is done. I told everyone it would fail". So childish, ridiculous and frankly, insane.

I guess you could be trying to act "cool" or like a rebal or an individual....but come on now. You have to be one of the most damaged people I have ever run across on these forums, or any for that matter. There has to be some major personal issues in your life for you to actually think what you are saying is funny even. You may want to seek profesional help for your anger and displacment issues my friend.

On to how I feel about this line....

I loved the original figures. I even liked NA. I dug 200x and the look of the stactions. Fact is, I plain love MOTU. Ill support anything that is MOTU (unless there is some HUGE change in the characcters themselves).

But to me, this MOTUC line is the perfect incarnation of the proprty. Sure, it will loose the hyper detail the 200x line had. But it will also loose that manga/anime feel. The OVER skulpting. It will loose the creative control enforced on the 4H by Mattel. The figures will actually be able to stand up with normal posture.

Does skeletor have the same horror look from 200x? NO. But does that make him less menacing? No. Now, he looks more like a skull striped of flesh, then an alien pin head. Dont get me wrong, I have a HUGE collection of the 200x line. But it was flawed. Had it been a new seperate line, not MOTU, then it may have been the best toy line ever (except for the silly repaints like disco skeletor). However it was supposed to be a new updated MOTU. ANd to me, the perfect update from the 80's stuff is this new line.

Sure they are resusing parts. Sure I would rather have indivudual molds for each character. But I am also not footing the bill, expecially during one of the worst financail times since the Great Depression. Toys are a luxury anymore. Not a staple. They will be things that people cut out when times get hard. So for a company to try and min. its costs, I am okay with that. The 4H do a great job of little tweaks to make the characters look distinct in their own way.

But these are the figures I have always dreamed of. For those that are only fans of 200x, then you have your ideal figures. Let the rest of us enjoy ours, and dont ruin it for us.

If you dont like them, fine, but why try and spoil it for the rest of us? Why take pleasure in that? Just dont support it.

But, if you are a true MOTU fan, then you support it no matter what. He-man is family to me. And no matter what family looks like, I still lend it 20 bucks. LOL I still support it. Even if I dont like what it is doing sometimes.

Of course, this time I love what it is doing. So that makes it easier. LOL

pooda - 2008-09-18 @ 4:12 am
understood. im rolling with he man, skeletor, mer man, and maybe some others.

For now, I'm going for all that we've seen pictures of. The Four Horsemen do such a good job with the sculpts that it will be hard for me to resist any of them as a MOTU fan.

Yeah, me too. I will probably make this line my number 1 collecting priority. It will be easy for me to keep up with, and The MOTU figures are all so unique that I shouldn't get bored.

i would, but.....DCUC is taking most f my money. i will invest in a few of these though.

Yeah, its funny because DCUC was my favorite line, and I have all of them, not counting chases. I just don't think I will be able to keep up when they up the case assortments. So far I have been buying them by the case online, but it will get too expensive next year.

I really hope I can find mullet Superman later this year!

were in the same boat on owning all of them. i gave up marvel so......i have a little space in my wallet.

EMB - 2008-09-18 @ 3:28 am
understood. im rolling with he man, skeletor, mer man, and maybe some others.

For now, I'm going for all that we've seen pictures of. The Four Horsemen do such a good job with the sculpts that it will be hard for me to resist any of them as a MOTU fan.

Yeah, me too. I will probably make this line my number 1 collecting priority. It will be easy for me to keep up with, and The MOTU figures are all so unique that I shouldn't get bored.

i would, but.....DCUC is taking most f my money. i will invest in a few of these though.

Yeah, its funny because DCUC was my favorite line, and I have all of them, not counting chases. I just don't think I will be able to keep up when they up the case assortments. So far I have been buying them by the case online, but it will get too expensive next year.

I really hope I can find mullet Superman later this year!

pooda - 2008-09-17 @ 10:15 pm
understood. im rolling with he man, skeletor, mer man, and maybe some others.

For now, I'm going for all that we've seen pictures of. The Four Horsemen do such a good job with the sculpts that it will be hard for me to resist any of them as a MOTU fan.

Yeah, me too. I will probably make this line my number 1 collecting priority. It will be easy for me to keep up with, and The MOTU figures are all so unique that I shouldn't get bored.

i would, but.....DCUC is taking most f my money. i will invest in a few of these though.

EMB - 2008-09-17 @ 4:53 pm
understood. im rolling with he man, skeletor, mer man, and maybe some others.

For now, I'm going for all that we've seen pictures of. The Four Horsemen do such a good job with the sculpts that it will be hard for me to resist any of them as a MOTU fan.

Yeah, me too. I will probably make this line my number 1 collecting priority. It will be easy for me to keep up with, and The MOTU figures are all so unique that I shouldn't get bored.

Eric - 2008-09-17 @ 3:50 pm
understood. im rolling with he man, skeletor, mer man, and maybe some others.

For now, I'm going for all that we've seen pictures of. The Four Horsemen do such a good job with the sculpts that it will be hard for me to resist any of them as a MOTU fan.

pooda - 2008-09-17 @ 11:08 am
I'll tell ya what I like.

I like Grayskull.

I like Stratos.

I SOMEWHAT like He-Man.

everything else, however, I feel that 200X did better.

at least so far.

I feel Mer-Man is largely unnecessary, as we got the exact same headsculpt with the 200X version, but I'll let it slide, as I like the paint apps on this one a little better (tho I dislike the hands).

so, I'm not completely against the line, I just think 200X was a better update.

that's not to say 200X was without its faults, it certainly could've done without most of the push-button action features, and added more articulation.

mer-man is very necessary. thats like saying they should of left him out of the 200X line, because he has a classic fig already.

I'm talking about my personal collecting habits, not in the line as a whole.

I don't mind that they're DOING Mer-Man, but he's unnecessary for ME to buy.

so far, I think I might buy Stratos, He-Man, and Skeletor, and leave the rest.

we'll see as those figures become available for order, I suppose, but I don't think I'll be buying Mer-Man, Beast Man, or Zodak.

I'm handling the line on a case-by-case basis.

understood. im rolling with he man, skeletor, mer man, and maybe some others.

Alvatron - 2008-09-17 @ 4:22 am
I'll tell ya what I like.

I like Grayskull.

I like Stratos.

I SOMEWHAT like He-Man.

everything else, however, I feel that 200X did better.

at least so far.

I feel Mer-Man is largely unnecessary, as we got the exact same headsculpt with the 200X version, but I'll let it slide, as I like the paint apps on this one a little better (tho I dislike the hands).

so, I'm not completely against the line, I just think 200X was a better update.

that's not to say 200X was without its faults, it certainly could've done without most of the push-button action features, and added more articulation.

mer-man is very necessary. thats like saying they should of left him out of the 200X line, because he has a classic fig already.

I'm talking about my personal collecting habits, not in the line as a whole.

I don't mind that they're DOING Mer-Man, but he's unnecessary for ME to buy.

so far, I think I might buy Stratos, He-Man, and Skeletor, and leave the rest.

we'll see as those figures become available for order, I suppose, but I don't think I'll be buying Mer-Man, Beast Man, or Zodak.

I'm handling the line on a case-by-case basis.

EMB - 2008-09-17 @ 3:43 am
Im wondering if their plan is to guage how many "collectors" there are to get He-Man back at retail. The DC Universe figures are a collector line, and so is Movie Masters, and they are both what I'd call successful. I know they are DC brands and Highly popular, but they must realize how many fans were upset by the loss of 200x.

Its way too early to start all this doom and gloom talk. King Grayskull was a definite success, even with all the problems they had with the web site. I think that speaks well for the initial offerings...

I'd almost agree there, but to be honest DC is going to have more people collecting this toys then He-Man because DC is more far-stretching then He-Man. I collect DC Classics as well and a friend and I will be ordering the 2-packs off Mattel Collector, but if they're basing how much collectors are into DC Classics and how much they're into He-Man, then that's just bad research. DC is unfortunatly going to win that fight. That's also because DC Classics has regular waves of figures released where as He-Man only has the online figures.

Oh, I definitely agree here. I was trying to say that it seems Mattel is very interested in knowing how many MOTU fans there are. By only releasing them on their very own web site, and limiting the number bought, they will be able to tell how many collectors are out there. Or, at least the best way that is possible to them at this time.

pooda - 2008-09-16 @ 9:24 pm
I'll tell ya what I like.

I like Grayskull.

I like Stratos.

I SOMEWHAT like He-Man.

everything else, however, I feel that 200X did better.

at least so far.

I feel Mer-Man is largely unnecessary, as we got the exact same headsculpt with the 200X version, but I'll let it slide, as I like the paint apps on this one a little better (tho I dislike the hands).

so, I'm not completely against the line, I just think 200X was a better update.

that's not to say 200X was without its faults, it certainly could've done without most of the push-button action features, and added more articulation.

mer-man is very necessary. thats like saying they should of left him out of the 200X line, because he has a classic fig already.

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