2009 SDCC Mattel Exclusives: MOTUC He-Ro

by Jay Cochran
April 1, 2009
Mattel has released images and info for their 2009 San Diego Comic Con exclusives. Show below are is following set for their MOTUC line.


For over 20 years fans have waited, and now at long last Mattel is proud to present the first ever figure of He-Ro, the Cosmic Warrior! He-Ro comes complete with magic staff and Power Sword Complete your MOTU Classics collection today with this special figure sculpted by the Four Horsemen. Limited quantity available on MattyCollector.com after the show.

UPDATE: Mattel just released this statement in regards to SDCC exclusives.

Hey toy fans,

With the news of our SDCC figures spreading all over the web, thought I’d take a moment to clarify some questions fans had.

1: Yes, these are our SDCC figures. It was not an April Fool’s joke. (but we did get some of you huh?)

2: Yes, all of the action figure exclusives will be sold online after the show (ideally that Monday, but it is too far off right now to tell) on Mattycollector.com.

3: Yes there are a few other exclusives to reveal for the Hot Wheels brand. These will also be available online after the show on Hotwheelscollector.com. Look for more details soon.

4: Yes, Gleek is only available at the show. He is not in the package with the Twins but rather will be poly bagged as a “gift with purchase”. Why did we do this? Well simply, in years past we did not have online distribution through my awesome website Mattycollector.com. In years past the ONLY way to get any of the exclusives was at the show. Now that we have online sales, we wanted to find a way to still reward fans who come out to the show with an exclusive only at the show, and Gleek will only be a gift with purchase in San Diego. Will everyone be happy with this, maybe not, but at least the main items are online. In years past you couldn’t even get any of them without being at the show, now at least you can get the Twins online even if Gleek is not with them. This is why they are called show exclusives, because they are only at a show.

5: Yes, Hal’s head is removable and swappable. The reason Abin is nor in his animated uniform is to recreate Hal in two iconic uniforms, modern and vintage. Why does he not have his mask? Well because contractually we can not offer Hal this way. Period. But in the original story SOS Green Lantern he does not wear a mask and this set pays homage to that. And really, this was the best way for us to get Hal in the JLU line. It may not be what everyone wants, but we think it is darn cool.

6: He-Ro, like the other exclusives will be available online after the show. And you will learn why he has a star covered Power Sword in his bio…. Also, his package will be the same as a standard MOTUC figure, no electronics, so he can ship world wide.

7: We will have a brand new second booth this year to handle sales which will be run by our Toy Club, the same professional retailers who run our Mattel Toy Stores throughout the US. We will have limits (likely 3-5 per item) which we will announce well before the show as well as additional details. We will take cash and credit cards and we will ideally be selling on Preview Night (we are still working these details out with SDCC as they have lots of rules this year about when and how companies can sell exclusives). But we will be holding back product each day. So even if we sell out on Thursday, we will have more on Friday, Saturday and Sunday to make sure everyone gets a shot to buy. Traditionally the lines are much shorter on Saturday and Sunday, so don’t feel you HAVE to buy early on.

8: Yes we will have other product to sell including just a few He-Man, Beastman and Skeletors as well as a few other hard to find products and other current retail products. We won’t know what these are until closer to the show.

9: The AntiMonitor points will be redeemable at our main product booth. So if you just want your free AntiMonitor for 50 points and your raffle tickets for every 25 points (including the first 50) you don’t need to wait in the retail line. You will have the option of also buying an AntiMonitor (3 ¾” scale) for $10.00 at the retail booth if you don’t have points. You are limited to only one free figure however. Any additional points will get you additional raffle tickets for each 25 points you have. We will raffle off at least one hand made 30” AntiMonitor each day and you do not need to be present to win. We will post the winning ticket number. If the figure is not claimed by the following day’s auction it will be re-raffled off.

10: Is it possible to change anything now? (like offering Gleek in the Twins pack) All of the exclusives are far enough along in the process that we are going forward as is. Any changes now would mean the product will be delayed and not make the show.

Okay, I think that covers all the main points. Obviously we are very excited for this year’s show. It looks to be our biggest presence ever with tons of surprises in store. We’ll have more updates as we get closer to the show.

See you all in San Diego. I’ll be there to meet and greet in person!
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
gojira77 - 2009-04-05 @ 4:46 am

I had the first mini-comic as a kid, since I got into MOTU before the cartoon premiered, and I've even had the opportunity to read it in both English and German. I think the connection between the Sorceress and Grayskull were implied even then, since both she and the combined Power Sword glowed green like the castle. I learned about He-Ro from a message board somewhere, possibly the 'Org.

Eric - 2009-04-04 @ 5:27 pm

I've known about He-Ro for years, but I didn't know who the Green Goddess (Sorceress) was until I posted on He-Man.org.

The Green Goddess is purely a He-Man.org phenomenon if you ask me. I've never understood her appeal, and I think you could probably trace it all back to one guy at the .Org. It became this fad that everyone said they liked no matter what. It was cool to like the Green Goddess, despite the fact she appeared in part of one mini-comic.

gojira77 - 2009-04-03 @ 9:12 pm
I wonder whether or not we will receive similar characters as exclusives, judging by their method I wouldn't

be surprised if Eldor, Goddess or Tytus were the next exclusives. Its like you said, many die-hard MOTU were

anticipating He-Ro, while many casual fans aren't as thrilled, so I can see this being another way to release

many lesser known characters associated with MOTU.

I was mildly surprised at how many people didn't know or care about He-Ro or this figure.

I guess I'm not used to there being casual MOTU fans. I thought we were all fanatics. @peace@

But the fact some people don't care is a great reason to make him an exclusive. While I would have thought he'd be a good regular release some month, too, apparently that might not be true.

I agree about Eldor, the Goddess, and Tytus. I think the Green Goddess would be another great exclusive, perhaps at NYCC 2010. If they keep Eldor in the story (say, by mentioning him in He-Ro's bio), I think they'll need to release him, as well.

You could own every figure and have seen every cartoon and still not know who this guy is. Not all fans are active on the Org message boards. My guess is that the Green Sorceress is less obscure than He-Ro, but then again I have a pretty good memory when it comes to the mini-comics since I always thought they were cool.

Eric - 2009-04-03 @ 3:24 pm
I wonder whether or not we will receive similar characters as exclusives, judging by their method I wouldn't

be surprised if Eldor, Goddess or Tytus were the next exclusives. Its like you said, many die-hard MOTU were

anticipating He-Ro, while many casual fans aren't as thrilled, so I can see this being another way to release

many lesser known characters associated with MOTU.

I was mildly surprised at how many people didn't know or care about He-Ro or this figure.

I guess I'm not used to there being casual MOTU fans. I thought we were all fanatics. @peace@

But the fact some people don't care is a great reason to make him an exclusive. While I would have thought he'd be a good regular release some month, too, apparently that might not be true.

I agree about Eldor, the Goddess, and Tytus. I think the Green Goddess would be another great exclusive, perhaps at NYCC 2010. If they keep Eldor in the story (say, by mentioning him in He-Ro's bio), I think they'll need to release him, as well.

CaptainTriumph - 2009-04-03 @ 3:58 am
This guy is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Im bummed that i live on the complete opposite side of the US so i can go to the SDCC!!! im gonna have to call in sick to work so i can sit on the PC all day and hit F5 every 2 seconds like a did last year lol

I know what you mean! I would love going to the show but its on the opposite coast....

HissCommander - 2009-04-03 @ 2:42 am

This guy is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Im bummed that i live on the complete opposite side of the US so i cant go to the SDCC!!! im gonna have to call in sick from work so i can sit on the PC all day and hit F5 every 2 seconds like a did last year lol

azrael23 - 2009-04-02 @ 9:30 pm

I wonder whether or not we will receive similar characters as exclusives, judging by their method I wouldn't

be surprised if Eldor, Goddess or Tytus were the next exclusives. Its like you said, many die-hard MOTU were

anticipating He-Ro, while many casual fans aren't as thrilled, so I can see this being another way to release

many lesser known characters associated with MOTU.

Eric - 2009-04-02 @ 5:21 pm
I'm glad as well, especially since He-Ro was a figure I've desired since seeing the prototype way back in the day. I wasn't

really planning on going to SDCC this year until after I knew what exclusives were being offered, this just sealed the deal.

This is at the top of my list to get.

I wonder whether they are going to alter Hordak and perhaps give him the same treatment before release, because I would prefer the painted abs rather than armor pieces.

Either way it doesn't matter cause I'll be getting both regardless. That cosmic looking power sword is also a great touch as well.

That was why he was my pick for this year's SDCC exclusive. You and I and a lot of other people have wanted a He-Ro for a long, long time, and since he was mentioned on King Grayskull's bio, it only made sense to release him at SDCC.

I won't be attending the Con, but I'll be getting this figure one way or another. Hopefully I'll get it on MattyCollector, but I'll pay eBay prices for him. This figure is just too good to miss for us MOTU die-hards. Mattel is really directing this line at the fans with stuff like this.

The painted abs don't bother me, but Hordak's covered abs don't bother me, either. I think the painted abs look good on He-Ro because it matches his original prototype. Hordak could have gone either way for me.

And I didn't even notice the cosmic-looking Power Sword until you said something. I looked at the pictures a couple times but somehow never looked at what he was holding in his left hand. I guess since the original only had the staff, that's all I was looking to make sure he had here.

JayC - 2009-04-02 @ 3:28 pm

Mattel just released this statement in regards to some of your questions about the SDCC exclusives.

Hey toy fans,

With the news of our SDCC figures spreading all over the web, thought Id take a moment to clarify some questions fans had.

1: Yes, these are our SDCC figures. It was not an April Fools joke. (but we did get some of you huh?)

2: Yes, all of the action figure exclusives will be sold online after the show (ideally that Monday, but it is too far off right now to tell) on Mattycollector.com.

3: Yes there are a few other exclusives to reveal for the Hot Wheels brand. These will also be available online after the show on Hotwheelscollector.com. Look for more details soon.

4: Yes, Gleek is only available at the show. He is not in the package with the Twins but rather will be poly bagged as a gift with purchase. Why did we do this? Well simply, in years past we did not have online distribution through my awesome website Mattycollector.com. In years past the ONLY way to get any of the exclusives was at the show. Now that we have online sales, we wanted to find a way to still reward fans who come out to the show with an exclusive only at the show, and Gleek will only be a gift with purchase in San Diego. Will everyone be happy with this, maybe not, but at least the main items are online. In years past you couldnt even get any of them without being at the show, now at least you can get the Twins online even if Gleek is not with them. This is why they are called show exclusives, because they are only at a show.

5: Yes, Hals head is removable and swappable. The reason Abin is nor in his animated uniform is to recreate Hal in two iconic uniforms, modern and vintage. Why does he not have his mask? Well because contractually we can not offer Hal this way. Period. But in the original story SOS Green Lantern he does not wear a mask and this set pays homage to that. And really, this was the best way for us to get Hal in the JLU line. It may not be what everyone wants, but we think it is darn cool.

6: He-Ro, like the other exclusives will be available online after the show. And you will learn why he has a star covered Power Sword in his bio. Also, his package will be the same as a standard MOTUC figure, no electronics, so he can ship world wide.

7: We will have a brand new second booth this year to handle sales which will be run by our Toy Club, the same professional retailers who run our Mattel Toy Stores throughout the US. We will have limits (likely 3-5 per item) which we will announce well before the show as well as additional details. We will take cash and credit cards and we will ideally be selling on Preview Night (we are still working these details out with SDCC as they have lots of rules this year about when and how companies can sell exclusives). But we will be holding back product each day. So even if we sell out on Thursday, we will have more on Friday, Saturday and Sunday to make sure everyone gets a shot to buy. Traditionally the lines are much shorter on Saturday and Sunday, so dont feel you HAVE to buy early on.

8: Yes we will have other product to sell including just a few He-Man, Beastman and Skeletors as well as a few other hard to find products and other current retail products. We wont know what these are until closer to the show.

9: The AntiMonitor points will be redeemable at our main product booth. So if you just want your free AntiMonitor for 50 points and your raffle tickets for every 25 points (including the first 50) you dont need to wait in the retail line. You will have the option of also buying an AntiMonitor (3 scale) for $10.00 at the retail booth if you dont have points. You are limited to only one free figure however. Any additional points will get you additional raffle tickets for each 25 points you have. We will raffle off at least one hand made 30 AntiMonitor each day and you do not need to be present to win. We will post the winning ticket number. If the figure is not claimed by the following days auction it will be re-raffled off.

10: Is it possible to change anything now? (like offering Gleek in the Twins pack) All of the exclusives are far enough along in the process that we are going forward as is. Any changes now would mean the product will be delayed and not make the show.

Okay, I think that covers all the main points. Obviously we are very excited for this years show. It looks to be our biggest presence ever with tons of surprises in store. Well have more updates as we get closer to the show.

See you all in San Diego. Ill be there to meet and greet in person!

countzackula - 2009-04-02 @ 1:07 pm

*sigh*...yet another cool MOTU toy I won't be getting. Why do I even torture myself by looking at every one of these new figures? Heh, they may as well ALL be exclusives considering how hard they are to find. I really don't wanna be that bitter fanboy, but damn...I'm really hating you right now you Mattel.

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