UPDATE: Mattel has released some official images for the upcoming Chief Carnivus figure which will go on sale at MattyCollector.com on September 15. Check them out below in our gallery.
Mattel today at the Wizard Word Philly Convention revealed their September 2010 Masters of the Universe Classics figure to be sold on
MattyCollector.com. It will be the character of Chief Carnivus.
Chief Carnivus is a obscure character who appeared briefly in several episodes of the 2003 Masters of the Universe animated series, “Dragon’s Brood,” “Turnabout,” and “Second Skin."
Shown below is an image of the figure from the panel thanks to Imperial Holcron, who posted it on
Twitter. Check it out below.
In other news from the panel, MOTU fans can look forward to a second weapons pack in October called the "Great Wars" set and
Gygor which is an oversized figure in September.
The Quarterly figure for November will be King Greyskull (redeco) along with an Army Builder 2-pack.
For those who have missed out on previously released MOTUC figures, look for a re-issue figure to be sold each month in 2011 on
The 2011 Club Eternia sign-ups will begin on preview night of the SDCC and last for 2 weeks afterward. There will be a $20 sign up fee. The subscriptions will include 12 monthly figures, the 4 "A-List" quarterly figures, beasts, army builders and oversized figures that are offered in 20011 (3 at $30 and 1 $40). There will also be a subscription only figure like Wun-Dar. This figure will be from the comiics and a new map for this year.
Subscriptions will not include SDCC exclusive figures, stands, weapons packs or re-issues.
The max order limit will remain at 10 figures.
Grizzlor was teased as an upcoming figure.
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