Mattel posted this update about shipping:
CASTLE GRAYSKULL SHIPPING UDPATE: On Monday 10/16 at around 1pm we confirmed with our Design team that the best estimate of the shipping weight for Castle Grayskull is 20 lbs. For those of you who placed orders for Castle Grayskull before that time, our Customer Service team will contact you to update your order to the new, lower shipping weight. All orders placed after Monday 10/16 at 1pm are estimated at the 20 lb. weight. Please remember that you wont actually be charged until the product ships in 2013 should production go forward. If the final product weighs less than 20 lbs., we will refund the difference after the product has shipped. If the final weight is more than 20 lbs., you will NOT be charged more.
Well after pondering it over and it will take a year to come out I have preordered it
I just have to give up on any big items minus my MOTUC sub
Why would anyone order it for over $100 more from BBTS when they can just preorder it from Matty?
BBTS has the Castle listed as $369.99 and weighing 14 pounds...
Hell, over a 12 month period (Nov.-Nov., I believe they've been hinting that it'll ship next December), it's only $25 a month you would need to set aside. Unless you've got a hell of a high tax rate to consider, it should be a bit under $300.
Time for all the so-called "true fans" to step up & sell their souls.@hmmm@
What about the true fans who can't afford this?
Sell your car, Get a second mortgage on your home......... That's what a "true fan" would do, Correct?
That is referred to as Sarcasm.
I was thinking if I save $40 per month I can do it
I have a question? what deters people from ordering like 10 of these things and then cancelling their orders next december right before it ships? At that point Mattel would have already made the product.
Well for one thing when they would go to charge your account for 10 Grayskulls and if the money wasnt there it would overdraw your account and you would end up racking up a ton in bank fees.
Yeah, if you kept the card active, but what if you burned that account? They pre auth it now, but after Nov 11 when it goes through and they commit to make it. What stops someone from canceling that card or account? I only brought it up because a lot of folks might have the funds now, but next year jobs can be lost. Emergencies can happen. I guess I just don't get the idea of not taking the money now when people have it. Then use the funds to make the thing.
If your asking is their a 100% way Mattel can ensure everyone who pre-orders actually pays? I doubt it. If its really worth for someone to burn their account as you put it to try and get a toy playset then they could probably find a way. My guess is Mattel will account for a certain % of possible loss and just put the extra castles up for day of sales and charge a lot more. I am not sure why someone would do that thought since tts not like Mattel is going to ship the castles till they are actually paid. Also I am guessing Mattel is looking to the future with this investment. I think they feel confident that if/when the MOTU movie from Sony comes out they will be able to get MOTU back on regular retail shelves through a movie line, at which point they can re-release this nice new castle they already had made with some simple retools. Thats just my guess but from a business/financial perspective it would make sense. There is no guarantee a movie will actually make it into production as things in Hollywood do often fall through, but still I am sure its on their minds and possibly one of the justifications they were able to use with the corporate bean counters to get this green lighted (assuming it actually goes through).
I have a question? what deters people from ordering like 10 of these things and then cancelling their orders next december right before it ships? At that point Mattel would have already made the product.
Well for one thing when they would go to charge your account for 10 Grayskulls and if the money wasnt there it would overdraw your account and you would end up racking up a ton in bank fees.
Yeah, if you kept the card active, but what if you burned that account? They pre auth it now, but after Nov 11 when it goes through and they commit to make it. What stops someone from canceling that card or account? I only brought it up because a lot of folks might have the funds now, but next year jobs can be lost. Emergencies can happen. I guess I just don't get the idea of not taking the money now when people have it. Then use the funds to make the thing.
If your asking is their a 100% way Mattel can ensure everyone who pre-orders actually pays? I doubt it. If its really worth for someone to burn their account as you put it to try and get a toy playset then they could probably find a way. My guess is Mattel will account for a certain % of possible loss and just put the extra castles up for day of sales and charge a lot more. I am not sure why someone would do that thought since tts not like Mattel is going to ship the castles till they are actually paid. Also I am guessing Mattel is looking to the future with this investment. I think they feel confident that if/when the MOTU movie from Sony comes out they will be able to get MOTU back on regular retail shelves through a movie line, at which point they can re-release this nice new castle they already had made with some simple retools. Thats just my guess but from a business/financial perspective it would make sense. There is no guarantee a movie will actually make it into production as things in Hollywood do often fall through, but still I am sure its on their minds.
so the shipping prices have been corrected. even for the us they cut things down. damn what a mess matty always delivers when it comes to motuc. i even asked the question if digital river screwed up again when everybody still had the 200usd shipping price and i even got an answer from a moderator saying that the castle is bigger and the usual garbage. well i guess we know better now because i doubt mattel would come as the savior and just overnight cut shippings in two by themself for goodwill.
I have a question? what deters people from ordering like 10 of these things and then cancelling their orders next december right before it ships? At that point Mattel would have already made the product.
A lawsuit if they really wanted to make an example...
Good luck with that.
Mattel has breached the contract so many times that I couldn't imagine them winning....