With less than
24hrs left for people to subscribe to Mattel's
2015 Masters of the Universe Classics Club Eternia service, another new teaser image for one of Mattel's rumored MOTUC figures slated for the line has leaked online. Yesterday we got a glimpse for a
Queen Angella figure and now we have a look at what appears to be headsculpts for a new Classics Horde
Multi-Bot figure.
Shown below is the leaked image of the headscuplts as well as a look at the original Vintage Multi-Bot figure. It should be noted since we can't confirm the actual source for these leaked images we have no way of knowing for sure how legit they are. Some speculate Mattel is leaking them intentionally in order to try and drum up more subscriptions before tonights deadline, but for all we know these could simply be someone's custom heads being passed around as legit items.

It was
last week that Mattel had not reached it's target number of
Club Eternia subscriptions for them to move forward with the MOTUC line in 2015, but that they were going to reopen and extend the deadline till today
Monday, August 8/25 at 11:59 PT. At that time Mattel had only obtained 90% of the subscribers needed for them to greenlight the line for another year.
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