If I could get my hand on that She-Ra and the He-Man I would be as happy as I could possibly be.
I'm most excited for Mantenna. That was my go to Horde member when i was a kid then SheRa is right there next to him in the line up. She looks gr8
Masters of the Universe Club Grayskull
Ultimate Filmation He-ManUltimate Filmation SkeletorShe-RaGrizzlorMantennaFisto^ I sure hope they do, at some point... Im still dying to land myself a Shadow Weaver, one of these days, that wont cost me my apartment, my soul, and my first born from an alternate, possible timeline.
Has Super 7 announced any plans for re-issues ?
Maybe a Filmation He-man re-issue ?
I'm loving their look. Talk about combining the best of both worlds. Today's superior sculpting abilities and old school styling. It's a win-win.
I would love to get my hands on some of the previous MOTUC figures, were they not so insanely overpriced so as to have to sell off your back 40, your first three private jets, and a couple diamonds to actually have a chance at em.
Man, this brings so many good memories. I have to say that She-Ra looks absolutely perfect. I gotta have her.