I hate how hard it is to get Masters of the Universe figures. Mass produce them and put them at retail, I think the designs are fun enough that they'd interest the average consumer and collectors would definitely buy these if they were $25 at Walmart or Target on the shelf.Making people buy a whole set of figures just to get a main hero figure is ridiculous. Anyone interested in starting the line would want a main herocharacter to see if the line is worth getting in to and spend so much at one time for a bunch of figures. This alienates new fans and angers loyal fans that wouldprefer to pick and choose.
I've been wanting a Filmation HeMan and Skeletor. The price is high for what you're getting honestly, but that's collecting these days I suppose. I'll get HM and S, but I really hope they tweak HM before release.It would be nice if he had a sword hand that could swivel right to left rather than up and down so he can hold his sword right. His face also needs to be painted like the Matty version. Right now it looks a bit cheap and the painted face would really improve the overall look of the figure.
Im all about the He-Man, Skeletor and She-Ra figures...And, I only wish I had the funds to secure them. Maybe one day.
Im probably going to get He-Man and Skeletor, I passed on the first versions since Matty made it impossible to get these without having to preorder the whole wave and then prices just became absurd on these two in the secondary market. I never got into the Filmation line but having the two main characters would be cool (a little pricey but it seems like thats what motu figures are going for now a days, even worse they double their price in almost no time), She-ra is looking nice but for her you have to buy the whole wave and Super 7 has had a bad track record with female figures lately so Im probably gonna pass on her all together.
They are very cool, but to me 35 bucks is a very steep price.