I really wouldnt be able to do a whole heckuva lot with such a big figure, but damn if he doesnt look all kinds of awesome. The realistic skull is perfectly creeptastic. While the inclusion of the more animated, original figure skull is fantastic, for those who like to rock it old school.
Didn't Mondo already put this up for preorder or was that just He-Man? I'm hoping they do the same with Thundercats. Mezco's Lion O sculpt and look is dead on for what Ilike, but I'd also like a bit more articulation.One good thing about that new Thundercats show is that we'll hopefully be getting more classic Thundercats figures!
This looks bad ass. I have no room for sixth scale figures tho. I still hope to get the MOTU one from Super7. If only other companies could make these in the 6 or 7 inch scale. The offerings we have today are very hard to obtain.