This one sold out quickly. Good thing I didn't want one, I would be kicking myself right now! I think the best part about this is the wrapper and the packaging to be honest. I'm still not liking the unpainted skin of the headsculpt. It looks cheap to me.
How very interesting. I really like that box design style. This strikes me as a figure for the hardcore fans. I love heman but I ve always been more attached to his villains more than him overall. And I dont really collect comedic pieces like this. Looks great tho! cant go wrong with a candy cane sword of power!
Haha very funny. Still hope that they could somehow change their distribution method. This way more fans can get the figures ate a better price. To me pay 35 bucks for their figures is very expensive.
I picked up 2 of these today but I was able to put about 6 of these in my shopping cart. I decided not to try it if Super7 wanted to cancel my order afterwards but they should get that fixed if it's a limit of 2 per customer.
Is the Santa cap removable? I'd be putting that on all of my different figures.
I jumped on the laughing Prince Adam band wagon right away and he's a great figure to have, but I think I'll pass on this one. It seems like the coolest part of this figure is the packaging and the wrapper.It kind of makes me nervous about their Filmation He-Man that they just put preorders up for because it looks like they will go with a non painted skin for the head. Not a huge fan of that, it makes the figure look cheap to me.If I'm online when this pops up, I might change my mind, but as of right now I'll admire this one and leave it on the virtual peg.
LOL, this strikes me as all kinds of hilarious notquiteas hysterical as that meme homage Prince Adam, which Id still love to get my hands on one day but indeed, pretty damned hilarious!?
This needs more Holiday She-Ra.