Gotta be the female Yellow Ranger for me. The first time we've seen her as a woman in toy form. I know that's not accurate to the Japanese version, but for me, the MMPR yellow Ranger is a chick! I may have to wait til the Christmas season when Amazon starts doing more sales. $40 hurts too much.
The female yellow body is available in North America. I just ordered the male version (packaged as Tiger Ranger) from somewhere in Asia via eBay. In the original Japanese footage you can tell the yellow body is quite... portly, compared to the American-shot footage. And yes, that's why yellow ranger never wore a skirt.
Now that I finally have the whole team, I'm amazed that they didn't actually use a stock body for all the rangers. Yellow ranger (female) is significantly taller than pink ranger. White and Green ranger are the same height, but there are height differences amongst all the rangers. Red is taller than Green & White. Red Blue and Black are all the same height, so they did reuse bodies there. Not sure how many hands they sculpted cause some recreate gestures from footage to be able to recreate all sorts of poses from the show. The extra weapons included with Black, Blue and Yellow connect to form the power blaster weapon and they are different (some in scale, some in detail and configuration) from the solo weapons designed for the individual figures. The weapons are super sharp!
Fun fact about the Japanese footage: The White Ranger was from an entirely different season and team of rangers from the original Japanese footage. So you will never watch an American power rangers episode and see Japanese footage where the white ranger is in scenes with the other rangers. In the Japanese series, the white ranger was actually a young child and significantly shorter than the rest of his teenage/grown rangers team. That's also why his belt buckle, gloves and boots, and facemask don't mimic the other mighty morphin rangers costumes. Cause he's from an entirely different season that never was adapted in the USA.
The figures are worth the price tag for me. They are expertly crafted and I really like how well articulation is masked in the sculpt. There's this floating shoulder plastic that hides the shoulder joint no matter how you pose the arms. It's amazing!!! And these were released roughly one per month, so if you have a monthly toy budget this could have been a good investment spread out over about 8 months time.
There is an armored Black ranger at this year's SDCC as an exclusive. Once I order that, I'm complete on every ranger that appeared in the original series, plus a same-scaled Megazord. If only they'd make the Dragonzord and the core villains! I plan to pick up the Masked Rider also!
Gonna have to pick up this Yellow Ranger.
Because of the cost I haven't been able to get as much of these as I want. Only able to snag Green Ranger because of a deep (deep!) discount I got on Amazon and the Pink Ranger for a Christmas present. Both are very awesome, however. Really glad to be getting a female buck for Yellow. It says she'll only be available to certain retailers, does anyone know if Amazon will have her?
Armored Red Ranger and Pink Ranger are lightning deals today...
I have asked my brother for the Pink Ranger for Christmas. I plan on getting the Red Ranger for myself.
I already have the 6" PR legends White and Green Rangers. DSmith,do you have pics of those two next to the SH Figuarts Rangers so I can compare. I'm pretty happy with those as they are and I'm on the fence about getting another of each. Especially at those prices.
I had no idea they were doing a male and female Yellow Ranger but that is pretty amazing. I think I would HAVE to go with the female sculpt. Will she get a skirt too?
That would explain why Trini never wore a skirt... So the Yellow Ranger is a guy in the Japanese version?...
Oh man, these things are down to $30 on amazon right now (so I guess toy companies CAN price their stuff too high). Now would probably be the chance for me to least on a red ranger. But do I dare wait for them to go down a bit more???
HEADS up.....Amazon is a having a "Flash Sale" on Power Rangers SH Figuarts SDCC rangers in 1 1/2 hours roughly, check it out if your hip to these.....I'm not but I figured I'd still give you guys a heads up anyway...good luck
you have to scroll over like 2 or 3 screens for the upcoming flash sale for these figs...
Man, except for minor proportional differences there's not much difference at all. I know the articulation on the SHF figures will be better but that's still going to be tough to hang $40 on. Their heights are even exactly the same so I know the Red and Pink rangers will stand fine next to the American figs I already have. Gonna have to think about this one.
Still, these are really nice figs. I think I'll get the Red Ranger with my next pay check. Good thing there's barely anything else out right now.
Theres a legends PR comparison at the end of this White Ranger review - (link)
I've got red and green so far, and pink is sitting in my Pile of Loot right now. I plan on completing the team of six (no white, since I don't do duplicate characters) and any extras/bad guys they make. They're great figures - blow all the north american figures out of the water.
I have asked my brother for the Pink Ranger for Christmas. I plan on getting the Red Ranger for myself.
I already have the 6" PR legends White and Green Rangers. DSmith,do you have pics of those two next to the SH Figuarts Rangers so I can compare. I'm pretty happy with those as they are and I'm on the fence about getting another of each. Especially at those prices.
I had no idea they were doing a male and female Yellow Ranger but that is pretty amazing. I think I would HAVE to go with the female sculpt. Will she get a skirt too?