Jiren looks really good. His butterfly joint looks top notch and should be able to punch across his chest. Great job Tamashii.
The crossed arms are a great touch.
Tamashii Nations has released official images for their upcoming S.H. Figurarts Dragon Ball Jiren figure which will be released in January 2020. The figure which stands 6.5" tall will come with multiple hands including a yellow translucent right fist, translucent right hand power effect piece amd 4 headsculpts. Check out the new images below.
The butterfly joints look amazing.
1 hour ago, GojiBill said:This Jirenlooks great, vastly superior to the DB Dragon Stars version.
The DB Dragon Stars are basically the Marvel Legends or DC Multiverse of the Dragon Ball line, you know what to expect.
This Jirenlooks great, vastly superior to the DB Dragon Stars version.
I figured he'd come with a crossed arms accessory, but what about crossed legs? He spent a lot of time in meditation during the fight, it would be cool if they gave him a swappable crossed leg part or at least give him articulation that would allow for that pose.He looks a little different from the prototype that was leaked a while back. The head looks more squareand the body looks less buff.He looks cool to me, I'm all in on the Figuarts Dragon Ball line, I even went and preordered that new Bulma in spite of saying I wouldn't! haha! I've got everything done after the 2.0 articulation and everything before that I wanted in the line. I think this is my favorite action figure line.I know it's yet another Goku, but I hope they release Ultra Instinct Goku pretty soon too. Hopefully they go all out and give him the battle damaged look with a new bare torso mold so people can stop customizing them. Or do the blue shirt look that he had for most of the tournament.Also give the black haired UI hair and faceplates with the silver UI hair and faceplates. I suppose they could get away with doing the same thing they did on the DBS Broly Vegeta and give us one black haired UI head and faceplate then giving us a full set of faceplates for the silver hair. That's probably more likely. I'm a bigger fan of the black hair though. It's going to be hard to wait for it as his appearance in the show was a long time ago and now we'd have to wait at least 5 months after the announcement. As long as he gets here.
Cool now when will preorders be up
This looks pretty awesome, im guessing the crossed arms is one piece like the storm collectibles M. Bison figure. Looks really great!