The torso articulation is non existent.
I wish they sharpened up their sculpts a bit. Everything looks a little soft. This line is most exciting when we get the characters we haven't got from the Figuarts line yet. SSJ4 Vegeta fits that bill, but I think SSJ4 figures will be coming from Figuarts soon enough. It would be cool to see something a bit more niche that we know Figuarts won't be getting for a long time, but I get why they'd want to make more SSJ4 figures here.
As far as the listing goes on BBTS, there's no images for Goku. So they might have done something different. Maybe...hopefully. GT SS kid Goku? Battle damage first transformation SS Goku? Saiyan armor SS Goku?It really is a shame they're not doing any more build a figures. I'd love to have seen "5th" form Cooler, King Cold, Super 13, full power Bojack, Hirudagarn done through multiple waves or even a giant Piccolo or Lord Slug.I'm not too upset about them reissuing older figures though. Certain figures were scalped and difficult to find for some people who didn't know to check Walgreens. I wish Hasbro did it more with Marvel Legends. It's a pain now to get certain figures. With how often they release new waves, it's difficult for people to purchase everything they want so the ones with high aftermarket prices or scalping issues being reissued would be welcome.