I already got my pre order in Bardock Father of Goku is my favorite DragonBall Z movie ever Im so glad this wasn't an event exclusive thisversion of Bardock S.h. figuarts is the one I want I don't care if he doesn't have a super saiyan head to swap Never been a fan of SSJ Bardock anyway it wasn't in Father of Goku so... I'm excited for this figure as it is butwith companies like DF I'm pretty sure you guys will get a SSJ head
Not really into Dragon Ball,but I think this is one a figure worth looking in to.
About T I M E!
Finally, it took them too long to make this figure, If im not mistaken he's been one of the top picks for most wanted figures by fans for several years now and It seemed like we were never going to get a figure of bardock, hopefully he'll also include a SSJ headsculpt
This is a day one pre order for me This is something I've wanted for years the hype was real when I saw this on Twitter