Toymaker JAKKS Pacific, Inc. today previewed their highly-anticipated and extensive line-up of toys based on the ROCKY franchise. The toy line-up includes characters from Rocky, Rocky II, Rocky III, Rocky IV, Rocky V and the December 2006 feature film, Rocky Balboa. This coincides with Rocky Week promotions in Philadelphia, the famed hometown of Rocky Balboa. Here is a breakdown of Jakks upcoming assortments:
Rocky Basic Figures Series 1 (Available in October 2006)
Rocky I in training gear
Rocky I in street gear
Rocky I from his first fight
Rocky I from his first fight (battle damaged)
Appolo from his first fight
Appolo from his first fight (battle damaged)
Spider Rico
Side of Meat
Rocky Basic Figures Series 2 (Available in January 2007)
Rocky II in training gear (vs. Apollo)
Rocky II in fight gear (vs. Apollo)
Rocky II in fight gear - battle damage
Apollo in fight gear
Duke who is Apollo's trainer
Lou Fillipo the referee
Micky in yellow corner gear
Gazzo the bookie/loan shark
Brent Musberger
Rocky VI in fight gear (vs. M. Dixon)
Roberto Duran
Rocky Basic Figures Series 3 (Available in March 2007)
Rocky III in training gear
Rocky III from his loss to clubber (battle damage)
Clubber Lang
Rocky III in his fight gear (from victory over Clubber)
Clubber Lang in street gear
Joe Frazier (Rocky I packaging)
Thunderlips (Hulk Hogan)
Pauly in corner gear
Jimmy Lennon
Rocky Basic Figures Series 4 (Available in May 2007)
Rocky IV from Drago Fight
Apollo from Drago Fight
Drago - Apollo fight gear
Drago - Rocky fight gear
Rocky IV in training gear
Drago in training gear
Adrian IV
Frank Stallone (Rocky Packaging)
Joe Frazier (Rocky I Packaging)
Thunderlips (Hulk Hogan)
Brigette Neilsen (Drago's wife)
Rocky Basic Figures Series 5 & 6 (Available in June 2007)
Rocky V in street fight gear
Rocky VI in fight gear
Tommy Gunn
George Washington Duke
Mason Dixon
Michael Buffer
Jim Lampley
Larry Merchant
Mike Tyson
Also on hand was a Limited Edition ROCKY BRONZE STATUE ACTION FIGURE created specifically for the people of Philadelphia, to be distributed through various local charities like the Ronald McDonald House. These are limited to 1000 pieces. We here at TNI have obtained two of these and plan to give them a way to a couple of lucky winners. Stay tuned for more details on how you will be able to enter for a chance to win.
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