I'm all for a new release of the Turtles as I missed out on them, hopefully the new accessories are nothing major so people who already got them don't feel cheated, especially those who had to pay more in the secondary market.
18 hours ago, Neovorticism2 said:How Should One Celebrate 30 Years Of The Best Turtles Movie Ever Made?.
How about releasing your products in most retailers so anyone who is interested in them can get them without having to be hunting them fruitlessly or paying ridiculous prices in the aftermarke, I hope it's about that.
So it seems Neca is adding some new accesories to its Turtles.
NECA would love to put 6" TMNTeverywhere but they have no control over this. Playmates owns the USretail license for TMNTaction figures at this scale. Originally NECA was only able to put this kind of product out in massive1/4 scale or in very limited quantities as convention exclusives.Randy has been dedicated and determined to find creative ways to jump through hoops and loopholes tobring these lines to retail: withspecialty retailers like GameStop, and for mass retail (like Target), displaying the figures in a unique "collectible" section--locatedcloser to movies, music, and electronics--distinctlyremoved from the toy aisle.If they don't do it this way Playmates would see NECAs figures as competing with their kid-themedlines and shutit down. So if you have a complaint about being able to get your hands on these items direct your frustration, and comments to Playmates.
Well, April O'Neil and Casey Jones would be great. Some new dioramas too.
Hopefully they dont change toooooo much if they are re-releasing them with new things. I like my set and dont want them to feel inferior to whats out.
Seems perfectly NECA to add accessories to these guys but instead of lowering Donnie's belt to where it belongs, they raise Leo's so it's in the wrong position, too.