I like Casey, but....those elbows...
13 hours ago, MutantEquality said:All I can look at are Caseys elbows. Im sure Ill get used to it
Oh boy I just saw this, It's hard to unsee it now, I also don't love the look of the knees, but I think I can move past this for the sake it's Casey Jones, I really hope I can get my hands on this, I didn't want to have to buy it with this Raph, because I don't want another one, but I gotta bite that bullet I guess, however I still have not been able to secure a pre-order of this anyways
I'm not super impressed with that Casey Jones especially those elbow joints. Also, Ralph is my least favorite of the Turtles so I can live without this set.
a Jose Canseco Bat? tell me you didnt pay money for this!I itching to get me this set, its a shame the actor who played casey didnt want to give out his likeness rights and we wont be able to get an interchangeable maskless head but in the end I'd still display him with the mask on so not a dealbreaker, I hadnt seen that ralph came with the extra headband ends, yet another reason to get him that way at least my single carded Ralph will be a little different than the rest of his brothers.
6 hours ago, MutantEquality said:All I can look at are Caseys elbows. Im sure Ill get used to it
You eventually get used to it, but yeah they are weird to look at
All I can look at are Caseys elbows. Im sure Ill get used to it
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