I've been stewing on this all night: I'm 100% sure I've been Greg Landed.
Here's "his" cover for Marvel's upcoming omnibus reprinting the original Dark Horse run, alongside my drawings. NECA even made a figure of the one most egregiously ganked from, and I drew that alien on the box for that too.
I saw this pop up on IG and recognised the hands right away. Then the rest. Photoshop's snap function even recognised my line work and locked in place when I put it over "his".
I'm not just seeing things, right?
Likely he has establishedstrong relations withMarvel editorial, and Land is still somewhat popular name, so I guess Marvel is ready tooverlook such flaws, but worst thing is that he can really draw, if you check his earlier work at DC for birds of prey, he was pretty good, his style mixed some realism with clear comic book rootsbut then went towards "realism" and even more obvious "tracing" which moremiss than hit, although his Phoenix cover art was iconic. And near his Ultimate fantastic four run it started looking worse and and worse witch each year.
1 hour ago, JayC said:It really baffles my mind that someone like this is able to still get work in the industry. I could see maybe overlooking it if it happened once or twice but from what I have been hearing he is notorious for doing this.
I get the feeling that publishers these days care more about deadlines--and his technique certainly lends itself to speed--than they do about the integrity of the art.
I heard about his tracing and that he used porn stars pictures for said tracing. This is the first I hear of the plagiarism. Personally, I never cared for his art, the faces on the guys are weird and the women's faces...well the less said the better.
It really baffles my mind that someone like this is able to still get work in the industry. I could see maybe overlooking it if it happened once or twice but from what I have been hearing he is notorious for doing this.
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Hey! In Greg Land's defence, there isn't much - if any - porn material involving Xenomorphs for him to work off of.
@##@@ Greg Land dude. I used to like this guy's art, until I learned that he did this crap regularly. It's bad enough if you're doing this with your own material (which he's done... A LOT!) but to do this with someone else's work is super messed up. And this isn't even like his 2nd or 3rd time getting busted for this. He's done it repeatedly.
Such is the level of rectitude in the comics industry today. Nobody cares about the integrity of their work. The publishers want nothing more than to churn out more fodder for the movie studios, the artists all want to be rock-stars. Who cares if Land steals from other peoples' work (and yes, it is STEALING), good artists cost money.
I don't even follow today's comic "artists" but even I've heard of this Land yutz and his penchant for "tracing.".
When I was learning my trade, this kind of thing got you fined and possibly drummed out of this business. It certainly got you a reputation as a "tainted" artist.
But here we are. The age of the "knock-off." IP theft is looked on as a virtue nowadays. You can everyone who illegally profits from the hard work of others, 99.99% of YouTube "Content Creators" would disappear.
Maybe he just used the action figure as a model.....There is nothing wrong with that. I mean, it's not like he can go out to the zoo and view actual Xenomorphs in 'the wild'Maybe he just used the action figure as a model.....There is nothing wrong with that. I mean, it's not like he can go out to the zoo and view actual Xenomorphs in 'the wild'
You're probably not talking about these two, but I remember people trying to give Alex Ross and Tim Bradstreet $#!+ about tracing, but there's a major difference between photographing your own models and working from that and just tracing what you find on the net somewhere or lifting directly from another artist's work.