NECA TMNT Animated Usagi, Neutrinos, Zach And Crooked Ninja Turtle Goon Sets Shipping Soon

by Jay Cochran
June 17, 2022
NECA sent out an email with a shipping update for those who pre-ordered from their NECA store website the following:

The orders for Rock Soldier Infantry & Crooked Ninja Turtle Goon 2 pack (54252), Smash & Zach 2 pack (54255), Usagi Yojimbo (54257), and the Neutrino 3 Pack (54282) should be ready to ship in the near future.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
MRT - 2022-06-08 @ 3:35 am

He looks like he stepped right off the cartoon. Good job Neca!

Gold1983 - 2022-06-07 @ 7:09 pm

Nice! Thanks Neca.

Fetisone - 2022-03-09 @ 1:36 am

There go the $$$! Cowabunga!

ghostbogey - 2022-03-08 @ 9:26 am


Here I come!!!! ;^)

MagnaPrime - 2022-03-08 @ 3:54 am

Stan should be plenty pleased with that take on Usagi. Those neutrinos are fantastic!

EvilHayato - 2022-03-07 @ 8:04 pm
3 hours ago, Satam said:

I'm getting that, too. If I proceed, I get a 403. I'm guessing the shop site might be down because they're in the process of removing the last preorders and getting ready for Usagi and the Neutrinos.

Its weird since I got a direct link from their facebook post as if it was ready. Ive never seen their site do this before. I didnt realize that the preorders arent available until tomorrow so they are most definitely working on the site to prepare for the incoming horde.

Satam - 2022-03-07 @ 5:04 pm
1 hour ago, EvilHayato said:

For whatever reason I cant access the site. It keeps giving me a warning of not secure and my connection isnt private. Even when im in an incognito window and a VPN. friggin weird.

I'm getting that, too. If I proceed, I get a 403. I'm guessing the shop site might be down because they're in the process of removing the last preorders and getting ready for Usagi and the Neutrinos.

WebbedSpider - 2022-03-07 @ 4:02 pm

Oh, happy day! Usagi is the last of my must haves. Anything after this is a bonus.

EvilHayato - 2022-03-07 @ 4:02 pm

For whatever reason I cant access the site. It keeps giving me a warning of not secure and my connection isnt private. Even when im in an incognito window and a VPN. friggin weird.

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