On 7/3/2022 at 7:28 PM, SpiderS said:That's pretty neat stuff, I think Robocop had similar packaging as well so I def can see them doing Robo in this style too.
Neca made a GITD Night Fighter Robocop homage already. Super7 and Hiya have too with their Robocop molds as well.
That's pretty neat stuff, I think Robocop had similar packaging as well so I def can see them doing Robo in this style too.
These definitely hit my nostalgia spot. Just pre ordered at bigbad. Was not expecting these to be reasonably priced but I guess the lack of accessories dropped the price down from the original releases.
Hope they get to the creature/gill-man and make a Remco variant at some point...the GITD version was one of my favorite toys as kid.
so these are the same as the first releases, just with different packaging, no accessories and bad paint jobs? interesting...
Interesting. If they remake this entire Remco line in this style Ill be very tempted.