5 hours ago, Lord_Scareglow said:As a big Slash fan, this figure is really nice to look at, I never collected anything in this line of Turtles, but I might get this, but honestly if I was going to get a Slash figure I'd get the Super7, but man this Slash does look good, I hated what they did with him in the Cartoon he looked real stupid, if I collected the Animated Turtles I'd just sub this one in.
As far as one-off, orphan additions go, you could do worse. Like I said I don't collect this line and don't intend to start, but this is still probably my favorite recent purchase.
As a big Slash fan, this figure is really nice to look at, I never collected anything in this line of Turtles, but I might get this, but honestly if I was going to get a Slash figure I'd get the Super7, but man this Slash does look good, I hated what they did with him in the Cartoon he looked real stupid, if I collected the Animated Turtles I'd just sub this one in.
I don't generally collect this line but I love this figure. One of the few I was on the fence about possibly displaying in-package, until I noticed that the plastic on mine has already been perforated. But I really dig this character and design.