Based on the classic 1980s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon series! The first robot policeman known as Robot Enforcement Experiment now has a diabolical duplicate. Shredders army of Evil Rex-1 robots is here to take control of your toy shelf and terminate the Turtles once and for all! This 7-inch scale action figure is hardwired for havoc. Comes in collector-friendly VHS tribute style packaging.?Available now and IN-STOCK at Target with a suggested retail price of $49.99!
14 hours ago, cminton1982 said:I work at a Target on Long Island and just wanted to pass along that I just put 5 of these figures out on the floor.
Got any Space Usagi? I never found one and wanted him.
I work at a Target on Long Island and just wanted to pass along that I just put 5 of these figures out on the floor.
Based on the classic 1980s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon series! The first robot policeman known as Robot Enforcement Experiment now has a diabolical duplicate. Shredders army of Evil Rex-1 robots is here to take control of your toy shelf and terminate the Turtles once and for all! This 7-inch scale action figure is hardwired for havoc. Comes in collector-friendly VHS tribute style packaging.?Available now at Target!
Shown below via scupltor brodie_3d is an in-hand look at the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Cartoon Ultimate Evil Rex figure from NECA. The upcoming figure which is a Target store exclusive is listed on their website but not yet available for purchase. The coast is $49.99.
Only reason I'm not buying it is because I never watched the episode with it when I was a child...??
2 hours ago, 5650 said:Did it go live yet on there website been waiting for a days I keep checking
Not to my knowledge it hasn't yet. Hopefully it's more readily available then Space Usagi.
Did it go live yet on there website been waiting for a days I keep checking