I am really interested in these figures. If they have at least decent articulation I may have to go all in. I did preorderthe first wave. Any of you guys getting these?
3 hours ago, Thinwheat said:Cuddle Team Leader looks pretty good. It's hard to believe these are McFarlane figures. I know how much they are against highly articulated figures. They've made some good sculpts on statues and almost static figures in the past, hopefully they continue to make more articulation like this for Walking Dead and other lines they make.
They really arent against highly articulated figs anymore. McFarlane toys have conformed to what sells and statue-esque figs at their price points arent really as big a sellers anymore.. They also dont seem to push Spawns license that much anymore altho i m sure that will change once the new movie drops. Even back in like '02 they experimented with articulation but was kind of nonsensical. I had one that was like halloween spawn based on a cover that was mostly all covered by his cape but inside was a massively articulated spawn figure. It made no sense to do that but hey it was there. I miss that they dont do the old style of spawn figs but Im glad with the ones I do own still.
Cuddle Team Leader looks pretty good. It's hard to believe these are McFarlane figures. I know how much they are against highly articulated figures. They've made some good sculpts on statues and almost static figures in the past, hopefully they continue to make more articulation like this for Walking Dead and other lines they make.
I have literally no familiarity with or attachment to the game, but I amlovingthese figures... Especially the CuddleTeam Leader and Skull Trooper. I could really see picking those up, even knowing nothing about it.
Yeah I actually like these. I hope they are 7" not like the lame mini Destiny figs that didn't even go with the Marvel Legends. These will look great next to Diamond select and NECA figs AS LONG AS THEY ARE arond 6.5, 7". We all know how inconsistent McFarlane toys are
This was an inevitability. I dont personally care for the game nor mainstream trends but these will assuredly sell well just like all the minecraft junk thats out there. I would say these look good though.