23 hours ago, FASVB said:I see. But if you have the means to make to sci fi weapons tese figures would look well as an alien army or something .
For sure, these and most of their designs in the games are kind of generic-ish and could fit alot of different things. GI Joe comes to mind very well in alot of them.
On 12/24/2018 at 2:37 PM, EvilHayato said:The game has only standard type guns like sub machine guns, assault, rpgs, pistols, etc. Standard shooter fair. Nothing futuristic or sci fi like that (so far). Having sci fi or space guns wouldnt be accurate to the source material. These are just eccentric costumes one can put on a character. The game is basically make as much eccentric and outlandish aesthetic assets as possible to get people to pay money to not look like everyone else. Otherwise you are just a generic randomized male/female person with nothing but army fatiques.
I see. But if you have the means to make to sci fi weapons tese figures would look well as an alien army or something .
On 12/21/2018 at 5:00 PM, FASVB said:They should be those space nerf kinda guns that Hasbro usually puts out with the Legends.
38 minutes ago, kILLMonger said:I agree they should have more "sci fi" ish weapons though
The game has only standard type guns like sub machine guns, assault, rpgs, pistols, etc. Standard shooter fair. Nothing futuristic or sci fi like that (so far). Having sci fi or space guns wouldnt be accurate to the source material. These are just eccentric costumes one can put on a character. The game is basically make as much eccentric and outlandish aesthetic assets as possible to get people to pay money to not look like everyone else. Otherwise you are just a generic randomized male/female person with nothing but army fatiques.
Yeah these two are my fav Fortnite characters. I was looking at the Jazzware ones but in the end. These ones make more sense for the price. I agree they should have more "sci fi" ish weapons though
I actually managed to get my hands on the Cuddle Team Leader figure, from McFarlane... And, I love it. As I knew I would. Im mad digging almostallof these figures, still knowing absolutelyzeroabout the game. And, whichever one the blue guy is, pictured above, I wouldnt mind picking him up, too. He looks all kinds of badass.
I gotta be honest. I think these are very cool. Design wise. Never played the game, but I would pick this up just because they look cool. However the guns seem so wrong. They should be those space nerf kinda guns that Hasbro usually puts out with the Legends.
If they were cheaper I would buy like a few and make like some sort of space army.