Do we know if wave 2 will be shown at SDCC or if they'll hold off until the first wave has been released? If the release date for them is really October it would make sense for them to reveal something about them.
I wonder if Buckbeak will be part of this wave or if it'll be its own thing.
Edit: He will be. Looks like I'm sticking with the characters rather than the creatures in this line.
2 hours ago, cbates92 said:That doesn't make much sense. I'm pretty sure they still have to pay for the likeness of a person even if it isn't a 100% match. Its clearly still modeled after that person from the sources material if it's an actor from movie or TV. Companies that have made characters in video games that kinda look like celebrities have gone to court over their characters looking kinda like certain actors. So they usually go in and change the characters around a bit in further releases of the game.
That's the weird world of likeness rights. You can make a character from a specific movie, you just can't base it off the likeness of the actor who played them . . . unless you have specific permission to use that actor's likeness.
Back when Darkhorse first started doing Aliens comics, the first edict handed down to their artists was to not use any actor likenesses (Ripley couldn't look like Sigourney Weaver, etc.).
As for those video games you mentioned, those were cases where the publisher deliberately used the likeness of an actor/actress without permission, hence, they had to change the games.
On 5/24/2019 at 7:02 PM, mako said:Actually, some of the best likenesses I've ever seen on a figure (and I'm talking SPOOKY accurate) were done by sculptors years before face-printing or even real-scan.
A lot depends on the company's original intention. Did they WANT 100% accurate actor representations, or a representation of the actual character? Don't forget likeness rights either. Could a mere human sculptor achieve an accurate likeness of Emma Watson? Absolutely, . . . but Mac would have to pay Emma for it.
That doesn't make much sense. I'm pretty sure they still have to pay for the likeness of a person even if it isn't a 100% match. Its clearly still modeled after that person from the sources material if it's an actor from movie or TV. Companies that have made characters in video games that kinda look like celebrities have gone to court over their characters looking kinda like certain actors. So they usually go in and change the characters around a bit in further releases of the game.
Those faces look rough, but I'll still try to pick them up to support the series. I'm more excited for the Chamber of Secrets wave.
Eh they alright. I cant reme who did the original toy line when the movie first came out but those looked better imo.
13 hours ago, DylanRaven055 said:Haven't thought about it, but that would be awesome! I think Toybiz did dome, but some new LOTR figure would be nice, specially with the new technology. They could even do some for the "Shadow of" games.
Yeah! I bet with the new Middle Earth tv show they're doing, we'll see a resurgence of LOTR merchandise. So hopefully that means figures!
So for the Harry Potter collectors out there how are you feeling about these figures compared to some of the other HP figures from the past?
Trying to see if I decide to start up an HP shelf if Id be better off with these or should I go look at some of the past lines released from other companies.
12 hours ago, Thinwheat said:That would be cool if we got some 6" figures for LOTR done today. Imports or maybe a good offering from McFarlane or Neca.
Haven't thought about it, but that would be awesome! I think Toybiz did dome, but some new LOTR figure would be nice, specially with the new technology. They could even do some for the "Shadow of" games.
23 hours ago, DylanRaven055 said:I'm more of a LOTR kinda guy, but these sure look amazing, specially with their patronus. Granted, the likeness is not the best, but it's ok. I wonder if McFarlane is gonna find a ways of printing faces like other companies do, or if he's gonna stick to painting the faces.
That would be cool if we got some 6" figures for LOTR done today. Imports or maybe a good offering from McFarlane or Neca.