This movie is a box office bomb waiting to happen. The figure looks like something from the early 2000's.
Oh yeah, I completely forgot that Jason David Frank did that Bloodshot thing a few years ago.
On 10/6/2019 at 7:42 PM, FASVB said:Cool figure but I like JDF's version more. This one would make an awesome figure.
That headsculpt looks nothing like Diesel or how he appeared in the comics though.
I thought this was a figure from the movie, "Powder."
At least Neca never dissapoints in physical resemblance and i definitely see Vin Disel.
Yeah, I dont know. I wishhe had that comics book inspired cool hair but figure still looks solid despite that slightly weird cut in torso.
Cool figure but I like JDF's version more. This one would make an awesome figure.
It's ok I guess but I feel it looks more like Vin Diesel cosplaying as Bloodshot than anything else. I remember reading some Valiant comics some years ago, I think it was when they did their "revival" and out of all their main characters I found Bloodshot to be the least interesting.
6 hours ago, JayC said:Not much to go on for the Vin Diesel version other than this comic cover. I honestly doubt the movie will ever actually happen, but who knows. Seems like he should have hair but Vin is bald I guess so maybe they will go with a bald look if the movie happens. Even on this comic cover, while whited out it looks like he has hair.
I can definitely see some resemblance to the cover, very interesting! if anything it would make a really cool custom. I'm definitely going to look into this character!
I didn't even know this was a thing. I have a couple blood shot comics stashed somewhere but don't really remember about the character. Looks like a mutant or a vampire like Blade. Lets see him and Blade battle it out.