7" Vin Diesel Bloodshot Movie Figure From McFarlane Toys Official Images

by Jay Cochran
October 05, 2019
We first showed you this figure the other day during New York Comic Con, and now McFarlane Toys has released official images for their upcoming 7" Valiant Comics Vin Diesel Bloodshot movie figure. The figure which features 22 points of articulation and will include a base, Machine Gun, Knight, and 2 Hand Guns. The figure will be released in January 2020.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
Thinwheat - 2019-10-09 @ 4:28 pm

This movie is a box office bomb waiting to happen. The figure looks like something from the early 2000's.

Belmont13 - 2019-10-09 @ 1:11 pm

Oh yeah, I completely forgot that Jason David Frank did that Bloodshot thing a few years ago.

JayC - 2019-10-08 @ 3:42 pm
On 10/6/2019 at 7:42 PM, FASVB said:

Cool figure but I like JDF's version more. This one would make an awesome figure.

That headsculpt looks nothing like Diesel or how he appeared in the comics though.

Darth_Primus - 2019-10-07 @ 6:49 pm

I thought this was a figure from the movie, "Powder."

Arkana99 - 2019-10-07 @ 4:29 am

At least Neca never dissapoints in physical resemblance and i definitely see Vin Disel.

SpiderS - 2019-10-07 @ 3:51 am

Yeah, I dont know. I wishhe had that comics book inspired cool hair but figure still looks solid despite that slightly weird cut in torso.

FASVB - 2019-10-06 @ 11:42 pm

Cool figure but I like JDF's version more. This one would make an awesome figure.

Belmont13 - 2019-10-06 @ 8:19 pm

It's ok I guess but I feel it looks more like Vin Diesel cosplaying as Bloodshot than anything else. I remember reading some Valiant comics some years ago, I think it was when they did their "revival" and out of all their main characters I found Bloodshot to be the least interesting.

Nickg253 - 2019-10-06 @ 7:59 pm
6 hours ago, JayC said:

Not much to go on for the Vin Diesel version other than this comic cover. I honestly doubt the movie will ever actually happen, but who knows. Seems like he should have hair but Vin is bald I guess so maybe they will go with a bald look if the movie happens. Even on this comic cover, while whited out it looks like he has hair.

I can definitely see some resemblance to the cover, very interesting! if anything it would make a really cool custom. I'm definitely going to look into this character!

silverback77346 - 2019-10-06 @ 1:58 pm

I didn't even know this was a thing. I have a couple blood shot comics stashed somewhere but don't really remember about the character. Looks like a mutant or a vampire like Blade. Lets see him and Blade battle it out.

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