My local Walgreens has almost entirely stopped getting new action figures. They still have two full rows of DD and Ant Man exclusives. They didn't sell so I guess the location hasn't felt the need to order new stuff. It's pretty sad. If they had ordered some Legends FF or X-Men exclusive stuff, they would have sold for sure. Walgreens exclusives are the hardest for me to get. I usually have to resort to aftermarket.
12 minutes ago, Neovorticism2 said:Indeed, the last thing I read is that the gamestop stores that aren't going to close now will focus on sale board and tabletop games and some memorabillia, but not mention about toys or collectibles.
Well that was based on rumor though I think toys and collectibles fall under the memorabillia part. Their last financial reporting showed action figure and collectibles was the only area they showed an increase in sales growth, and you can see how the toy manufactures with all the exclusives and making sure Gamestop is getting things like all the recent Marvel Legends and Star Wars before anybody else is really pushing to keep them afloat.
I think this holiday season will be the make or break for Gamestop. If they have poor sales to finish out the year my guess it will be stick a fork in them time.
7 minutes ago, Neovorticism2 said:Sales strategy that has not worked very well for gamestop I would say. But I sincerely hope that this thing of selling exclusive figures that only vary in the deco with respect to the common version is repeated with the upcomming dc line, it would hurt me less to miss a figure that is a simple variant of one that I can get online and locally to miss one that is brand new.
Well in Gamestops defense, I think action figures have been the only things that have really been selling for them recently. Not sure enough to save the company but there you go.
Yeah its become standard for McFarlane and Gamestop to do this. My guess is the thought process is because these are just straight up repaints most people will either end up buying one or the other and Gamestop is hoping you buy their variant exclusives.
This is hitting shelves now I am told by the way.
13 hours ago, Belmont13 said:Anyone else find it weird that there is already a Walgreens exclusive variant when the regular figure has been only recently released?
Not so much since they did the same with a couple of figures from their line based on My Hero Academia, and the Mortal Kombat figures, kinda like a new think the company is trying to push I guess.
Anyone else find it weird that there is already a Walgreens exclusive variant when the regular figure has been only recently released?