Honestly Iove the mace version Spawn just looks more badass with the mace it compliments his massive skin guard well there like a couple they go together. The sword is a little comic book or cartoonish I don't like the sword but more weapons with Spawn I'll take em the more the marrer for Hells on man army
Amazon is still offering both versions at retail price, with sword and with mace. You can choose, so I purchased the sword one, since I think it looks better.
Is this a chase figure ? I don't know, but wonder if DC Multiverse chase figures will be sell like this?
8 hours ago, Batman1701 said:. . . Honestly, I would really prefer that awesome axe he had in Soul Calibur.
I was going to mention something like this. It wouldve been more apt if he wouldve got his axe which is also in MK11, The mace is cool tho and dont mind either honestly.
. . . Honestly, I would really prefer that awesome axe he had in Soul Calibur.
9 hours ago, JayC said:I was able to snag a Spawn figure off Amazon earlier this week. The original listing of the figure there had sold out there pretty quickly, so it will be interesting to see which version shows up on my doorstep this weekend. By the way, the figure is once again sold out on Amazon.I am also kinda torn on which version I actually want. I like the sword, but the mace looks pretty cool to me as well.
I ordered a MK11 Spawn figure off Amazon for retail a week ago as well, I received mine a couple of days ago and got the sword version. Having seen what the mace looks like, I'm happy to get the sword instead.
I was tempted on this figure, but went for the classic remaster from the kickstarter. I like the Red on the suit in the og design. Was tempted to get the modern version too, but don't think I need two Spawns on my shelf and at that price tag no less.
On 4/27/2020 at 5:11 PM, Satam said:Tord McFozlove clearly still loves confounding collectors with running changes.
Yes I think you're right
3 hours ago, Satam said:Oh, I'm sure it was his idea, but I was about after doing that kind of thing for so long, if it's something he actively thinks about or if he just did it out of habit.
I'd say it's a habit of his.
7 hours ago, DylanRaven055 said:My guess is that that was his idea, kinda making the first run of that Spawn unique for collectors, but IMO, the sword looks cooler.
Oh, I'm sure it was his idea, but I was about after doing that kind of thing for so long, if it's something he actively thinks about or if he just did it out of habit.