Great review on these Brad. I agree with you the Gold Wonder woman is the better of the two here, which isn't saying too much. I really like how she stands out on a shelf and those wings are a nice bonus. Now the regular version is just a hot mess, I mean the legs are just too long and with no scult detailing. The face is ok but even then the likeness is just not there, the ab chrunch looks awful with that gap when you move it back and forth. Just an overall unimpressive figure.
Now the issue I have with both of them is they are grossly out of scale, I mean why is Wonder Woman taller then Superman or Batman, it makes no sense. She would scale perfectly with an eight inch scale line. Hope McFarlane can make a good (decent)? Classic Wonder Woman in a future wave.
Both figures are getting sold 28aud (18 usd) a piece here..not perfect looking ones but the gold armor wonder woman is interesting, a bit unique and has wings like a deluxe figure