I wish a good company had this line.
2 hours ago, MRT said:I think their best work and most suited to them is really Spawn. I find most of their licensed stuff subpar.
I think the best guys to work on an anime-like property are the japanese companies like Figma and SH figurearts. For mass market though, I think NECA could do it based on how accurate their toon turtles are to the show.
Yea. You may be right. I dont really have any figurearts stuff and only a couple of,or maybe just one figma fig since link is the only one I can think of, so I cant really speak to how good or poor their stuff is but I can definitely agree on the Mcfarlane subpar work as of late. And I know a lot of people throw hate toward neca but honestly I have many of their figs and I like them and havent really had any problems with them (except my Simon Belmont arm comes of easily but that was a poorly designed elbow joint from many years ago. Their horror stuff is great and my lord of darkness from the legend movie is one of my all time favorites.
10 hours ago, LordVenger said:I agree. Mcfarlanes best work is with licenses such as this. Their dc work is subpar in my opinion.
I think their best work and most suited to them is really Spawn. I find most of their licensed stuff subpar.
I think the best guys to work on an anime-like property are the japanese companies like Figma and SH figurearts. For mass market though, I think NECA could do it based on how accurate their toon turtles are to the show.
Again with the handles on the fire daggers. ?
2 hours ago, Zerzar999 said:I'll go on record also that the Diamond figures were not all that. They were simply the only option at the time. I knew eventually someone else would pick up the license. Not a huge fan of McFarlane's DCU line, I guess with it's selection rather than the structure, and the damn fact that he refuses to make them at a scale compatible with Marvel Legends, but that's an argument for another place, but his other lines like My Hero and and Mortal Kombat are pretty nice. I think they'll do the best job on this license, to date.
I agree. Mcfarlanes best work is with licenses such as this. Their dc work is subpar in my opinion.
I'll go on record also that the Diamond figures were not all that. They were simply the only option at the time. I knew eventually someone else would pick up the license. Not a huge fan of McFarlane's DCU line, I guess with it's selection rather than the structure, and the damn fact that he refuses to make them at a scale compatible with Marvel Legends, but that's an argument for another place, but his other lines like My Hero and and Mortal Kombat are pretty nice. I think they'll do the best job on this license, to date.
Back in June we got our first look at the 5" line of product coming from McFarlane Toys for Avatar: The Last Airbender. Now we have a look at the 2 new 7" figures as well as the one 12" figure they are doing for the property, all of which are now available for pre-order at our sponsor BigBadToyStore.com.For 7" they are doing Aang with Air Scooter and Prince Zuko. For 12" they are also doing Aang. Look for all of these to be released in October.
I really wish he could have just showcased the 7inch figures over the weekend. That Zuko looks greatfrom what we can make out, and as others have said, the 5 inch line just isn't as impressive at all.
Has anyone else noticed Aang's knees look like they bend backwards? All in all, they look like Happy Meal toys.
UPDATE 2: The figures are now available for pre-order on Walmart's website with an early August release date. Here are individual links to each 5" item which are Walmart exclusives:AVATAR TLAB 5IN WV1 - BK 1 WATER: AANGAVATAR TLAB 5IN WV1 - BK 1 WATER: PRINCE ZUKOAVATAR TLAB 5IN WV1 - BK 1 WATER: KATARAAVATAR TLAB 5IN WV1 - BK 1 WATER: SOKKAAVATAR TLAB COMBO PK - AANG WITH GLIDERAVATAR TLAB CREATURE - APPA