Seriously.....? Just looks like someone invested too much money in gold colored plastic. Time to shed some stock materials. It's like, "Hey guys, how many other Bat-Verse figures can we bronze?"
On the bright side, all the DC Bat-Verse figures lingering on the shelves at my local WM's have caused them to be marked down to $15, just as they restocked Azreal and Devastator. Picked them both up, my very first since McFarlane nonsensicallytook them to 7", and I must say the sculpt and paint aside, they are as bad as I thought they would be. They do look amazing, that's something I've always given McFarlane credit for, but even with all the added articulation they somehow still seem as rigid and pre-posed as 10 years ago McFarlane. Don't believe me, watch the review videos of the Rebirth Flash figure, where no matter how hard they try, no matter how good they are at the art, no matter how good the effects pieces are done, they still can't get the damn thing into a natural looking running pose.
Yeah, they look gold to me too.
At this point this is just laughable.
whoa what no way jose! more gold super neato variants of Mcfartlane DC ..I Mean batmanverse figures!
some one please call the offices of boring and stagnation, and tell Todd his license for DC figures has been revoked.
I may have poorly counted but so far just Batman;s alone, variants, and different Batmen, not including batmen characters 2020 Todd has released over 20 Batmans
It's really a shame, in their entire 82 year history, DC never made any other characters besides Batman that MacFarlane could make into action figures. Oh, well, at least we'll get gold Batman.
I really like these figures but have no need for gold(bronze)? repaints.