Both figures look awesome, i guess I'm looking forward for Noob specifically considering his dark and edgy look, yes I'm edgy as hell lol ?, nah kiddin but i do dig dark character designs.
This guy looks fantastic. I'm not really into MK,(I only got the S
pawn figure so far), but I like what Mcfarlane is doing with the line.
Nice looking figure I'm not a fan of the design but definitely better than another color variant.
Kabal it's a must have, i'm really pleased with Mcfarlane and stormcollectibles figures, same scale
Soooooo may have found the first fig I have to have... Noob looks great and ive been waiting to see how McFs comes out. Jade, Skarlet, Rain and Mileena are the next Id like to see to want to get.
This looks awesome.Definitely picking this one up
Kabal and Noob look great. I won't hold my breath, but I do hope Todd makes some real variants of these guys and not just some different colorways.
Oh boy that Noob figure is fantastic, this line keeps getting better for the most part.
noob is also up, having hard time keeping track of all these MK releases . they all look sweet (also hope its ok to post that )
Oh that looks really awesome! , I'm going to need this one.