Eh, not privy to this wave much at all. The Shark looks interesting especially as a bloody variant but its like eh. Mostly a pass for me. Cannot wait for him to announce the DKR wave, if it really exists in his line up!
1 hour ago, JayC said:Those are the same shorts from the regular version I believe. The Gold Label one had different shorts.
Yeah, you're right. I found pics of the King Shark figure with the same color shorts as seen here but a pattern (similar to the shorts that are on the Gold Label version but not the same), but that's clearly not what made it to shelves. Nevermind.
7 minutes ago, Satam said:The shorts are also painted differently.
Those are the same shorts from the regular version I believe. The Gold Label one had different shorts.
1 hour ago, Belmont13 said:So the only difference from the previous releases is King Shark having a bloody mouth?
The shorts are also painted differently.
So the only difference from the previous releases is King Shark having a bloody mouth?
I think the movie was ok at best not really a fan of dc but this is a very nice box set