4 hours ago, slugzilla said:Just a warning for anyone who's thinking about getting that Clayface figure:
Aside from looking good, the figure is extremely fragile and poorly engineered, offering extremely limited articulation and the constant feeling that you are going to break it if you move it.
Thanks for the tip. This will definitely move me towards DCUC/DCSH version if prices aren't crazy.
Just a warning for anyone who's thinking about getting that Clayface figure:
Aside from looking good, the figure is extremely fragile and poorly engineered, offering extremely limited articulation and the constant feeling that you are going to break it if you move it.
Even though I do prefer DCUC/DCSH figure I really start to appreciate this version and it's going to be cheaper than mattel version anyway.
Shown below via Isaac Wong are in-hand images for the new DC Multiverse Clayface Megafig from McFarlane Toys. You can purchase this figure from our sponsor BigBadToyStore.com.
Love this. Def a pick up for me.
I wish they wouldnt insist on giving Damien figures such cartoonish headsculpts.
Shown below is a look at the DC Multiverse 7" Damien Wayne (Infinite Frontier) Unmasked Gold Label version figure from McFarlane Toys. Yesterday we told you about the regular masked version. Right now it looks like you can get this variant of Robin is only available on the McFarlane Store website as part of a bundle with other figures. It's not clear if this will end up being released anywhere else.
These looks good, except the kevlar diaper on Bats..and again no extra hands, come on..two fists are required.
This McF "Bat" fig is alright....
DNR fig's Forever!!!!! ;^)
Okay, who else is coming in this setup? Ric Grayson? Bluebird? The Signal?