DC Multiverse 7" Dark Detective (Future State) And Batman (Future State) Figures Revealed

by Jay Cochran
January 18, 2022
Shown below are official images for the upcoming DC Multiverse 7" Dark Detective (Future State) and Batman (Future State) figures from McFarlane Toys. You can pre-order these figures from our sponsors BigBadToyStore.com and Entertainment Earth.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
Satam - 2022-01-20 @ 6:56 am

Yeah. We're all done here.

Lord_Scareglow - 2022-01-20 @ 5:10 am
5 minutes ago, DrLava said:

like what though? the only waves with 3 batman or "batman variants" in it were death metal waves. take out those figures and who replaces? its a death metal wave. mcfarlane made every character relevant to the story except jonah hex and perpetua. drowned and devastator didnt keep us from getting those 2 characters or any others.

I'm not going to keep going, it's good let's just stop, I make peace with your opinion, I can live with mine.

Lord_Scareglow - 2022-01-20 @ 4:55 am
3 minutes ago, DrLava said:

then be happy you get to save some money and buy other figures. you act like mcfarlane making a batman figure is somehow taking away from other characters getting made. peruse the upcoming pre-orders and there is plenty of diversity. the black adam movie wave should appeal to you greatly. the endless winter wave minus batman you should love. gotham knights has your name all over it. youre probaly getting sick of mcfarlane making jokers and red hood since the batmans bother you but if not 3 jokers wave.

I'll just say I don't agree with you saying "you act like mcfarlane making a batman figure is somehow taking away from other characters getting made" , not sure where it isn't? if there wasn't 3 batmen in a wave, those slots could be filled by someone or something not batman or batman variant.

it's fine like I said above , let's end this we can go back and forth forever, gotta stop somewhere.

thanks for the conversing, it's important to discuss these things, everyone has valid input as the consumer, some will like , some will not.

Lord_Scareglow - 2022-01-20 @ 4:50 am
3 minutes ago, DrLava said:

i get it from the fact that no "classic" figures have been made. perhaps they will in the future, but currently here in the present its a modern line.

and this line is not a continuation of anything, it was a new line created when a new licensee took over.

wonder woman hasnt had that look in close to 30 years so no, most people now are not accustomed to that look. the movie costume would probaly be the look most people worldwide associate with the character these days.

Cool, like I said in my previous post, we can end it, some are happy with the way this line is currently going, some are less enthralled, but it is what it is, yes indeed I hope we see Todd producing some classic figures, or just a more diverse variety of figures in the future, that would be great.

that's it , we could go back and forth until the multiverse license expires and someone else gets it.

Lord_Scareglow - 2022-01-20 @ 4:44 am
2 minutes ago, DrLava said:

i think you need to count again. even including all the figures that arent actually batman its not even 30, let alone 40.

traditional bruce wayne batman:

bvs, det 1000, btas, arkham, year 2, hazmat, mcfarlane design, hellbat, death metal, metal, 2022 movie, 3 jokers, endless winter, justice league,


tdkr, last knight on earth, white knight, omega

completely different characters:

dawnbreaker, drowned, darkfather, red death, batman who laughs, merciless, devastator, grim knight, murder machine

not bruce but im sure youre counting these:

flashpoint, beyond

and this is 3 years, not 2 since we're counting 2022 figures here. and this is nothing new to any dc line ever. you clearly forget when mattel had the license. go back through mattels multiverse, way more batman figures with a higher ratio since less total figures were made. and those werent alternate batmen from other earths. 21 traditional bruce wayne figures released from 2016-2019. mcfarlane has released only 14 in the same timeframe.

and theres more waves without a batman than just the one too. gotham knights, the bizarro wave, wonder woman movie wave, injustice wave. i get it, youre not a fan of the character or modern dc stuff so yeah youre not gonna like the line. but dont act like this is the first time that a company makes toys of popular characters that sell well.

I actually like this line, I own plenty of figures, I want to like it more, but there is a complete lack of diversity, DC has so much to offer as a license, and even though you claim there is just a fine amount of batman figures, there really is one fact and that is the grand majority of figures are batman or a batman from another world, which is still a batman, the majority of figures in a line that is supposed to be based on the entire DC catalog of characters and is over saturated with variants of one character is no, not impressing me, it's getting boring..I'm not alone, you can see that, it's fine we can end it here, you love 88 Batmen of varying variety on your wall, good, excellent, this line is for you, no it's not for me anymore because I can't fathom the joy in building surplus of 1 character. I'd like something new.

Lord_Scareglow - 2022-01-20 @ 4:37 am
34 minutes ago, DrLava said:

but its not a classic line. one character has a classic figure and thats only because mcfarlane himself drew it. why should there be a classic wonder woman in the line? and which era would be "classic" anyway? wonder woman has a different costume every decade.

But it's not not a classic line, not sure where you get the it's definitively not a classic line, it's a line that is supposed to be a continuation of a line that encompassed looks and characters from all eras of the DC comics, so not sure why people being bummed out about not seeing classic looks is warranted, because nothing is to say they are not capable of producing figures in those looks.

I couldn't say what exactly everyone defines a classic wonder woman but I would say most likely they'd be thinking any of her iconic looks

something like this might be suffice, classic as in the look most people worldwide have grown accustom to over the years, the look that would be the one everyone says ya thats wonder women! no question.

Lord_Scareglow - 2022-01-20 @ 3:06 am
3 hours ago, DrLava said:

we've gotten 2 regular earth comic versions of wonder woman, so i dont know what youre talking about. and thats not including mcfarlanes personal design. her death metal figure is awesome, should still be available since you seemed to have missed it. and then her endless winter fig comes out late next month.

unless regular wonder woman means something different. we got 2 movie figs as well, theyre also pretty regular.

They are meaning we still have not gotten a classic wonder woman figure, figures in different alternative outfits don't count, people are asking for Classic wonder woman, not snow wonder woman, or chainsaw wonder woman, or scuba wonder woman, which is what they currently have.

Lord_Scareglow - 2022-01-20 @ 3:02 am
15 hours ago, DrLava said:

suicide squad wave had no batman.

jakks wwe - john cena

mattel wwe - john cena

marvel lines- wolverine

star wars - grogu

jurassic world - blue

basically every toyline is plagued by this so what are you talking about? sorry youre not a fan of the character and its causing you to not collect this line. youre missing out on some cool figures.

Suicide Squad wave was the 1 exception, I'm sorry I missed it, but hardly counts since they likely would have found a way to stuff a Batman in there if they could, but there wasn't any way.

Not sure which exact Jakks WWE line you refer to but they have been producing figures for WWE since 1996 ins some capacity eventually after 25 years you are going to produce a ton of the same characters again in some form, so I don't think that counts, Mattel's WWE line has been a decade of course we are going to see super popular characters repeated, Star Wars as a whole , and not one line doesn't count the same for 1 line of figures, Star Wars Black Series which would equate to a line like Multiverse, has had only about 3 maybe 4 Grogu maybe 6 if you include the smaller figures, Jurassic world figures as whole is the same as Star Wars as a whole, the Amber line has 1 Blue as as far as I know

Legends probably only release 2 Wolverines a year, with the exception of say a year with an anniversary or such where maybe there is 2 more, Not the same

none of this is the same as what Multiverse is doing with Batman

40+ figures of 1 character in 2 years of a line, with multiverse it's roughly out of 10 figures more then half are of the same character essential, I can't see how that's not tiring, I'm not the only one who agrees either, I'm not standing on a hill by myself yelling there is a mob.

Fabio - 2022-01-20 @ 2:20 am

Almost everybody agrees that there's not a classic Wonder Woman in this line yet, the WW 1984 is not a good figure, the Zack Snyder's Justice League wave is solid but both Wonder Woman 1984 are lackluster for most people, the closest thing we could do is kitbash Last Knight On Earth Wonder Woman body with Endless Winter Wonder Woman's head but her hair is not what we know from classic designs, I'm not saying the line is bad, I'm saying I don't see a classic Wonder Woman, I also want a classic Shazam, Hawkman, Hawkgirl and I want Hal Jordan without Dawn Breaker.

AvengerK2 - 2022-01-19 @ 11:42 pm

All these figures do is remind me how much Future State sucked. If McFarlane has gone with a BvS Batfkeck suit and Nightmare suit they'd sell volumes over these two. Heck a Batman Inc suit would even top these. Hard pass for me.

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